Part 2

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"Marinette!" Adrien yelled in absolute terror. "I am no longer 'Marinette' I am Heartbreaker!" She yelled back. "Kitty, kitty!" She called out after she had busted open the window. "I know you are out there~" She started searching for Chat Noir as Alya ran out of the room to record as much as she could. "I- I messed up," Plagg sighed. He swallowed a chunk of chesses. "Yes you did kid, yes you did," Plagg said as he was sucked into his ring. "I'm coming Mari!" He yelled out, following suit. Chat Noir found Heartbreaker by the Effile tower and called out "please don't do this M'lady! I love you, I really do!" She pointed her gun of hate at him fired, and missed. She ended up hitting a woman who was holding the hand of her boyfriend. Her eyes turned black with red puples and she was under her control. She turned towards Heartbreaker and Chat Noir. "No one will love again!" The woman yelled. She had a bow and arrow in her hands and was shooting others making them like her, and they all had different weapons of there own. "Just because you got hurt, doesn't mean no one else can love either!" Chat Noir yelled. "Just tell me where the acuma is!"  "The acuma? Oh," she chuckled,"It's in my heart~ How do expect to get this acuma out, huh? Kill me?" Heartbreaker yelled back with a chuckle. Hot tears streamed down Chat Noirs face, he did not know what to do. She aimed her gun at Chat and shot. miss. another shot. another miss. Another shot, and a-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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