Silversun Pickups-Beatups

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3 years later

A normal night at a very recognizable sub. Where the snobby druggies roam the streets trying to find some buyers to rip off. God, they are so pathetic! Leave the healthy people be, and go after some hobo on the curb. No offense hobos. Then again, that's why I'm here while being perched on top of some random building. I'm here to kick their god damn asses or give them a bit of a shock. Will see if I'll bring out my party trick or not.

I glance down at the MP3 player in my hands as I scroll around to the perfect song to play while I do some booty whooping. Gotta love illegal downloading music because you are unemployed. Like I'm not really in the mood to start driving a truck around The Bronx. In general, I'm not fond of driving in this city with the number of idiots on the road. Oh! The perfect song. I push the big circle button and let Panic Switch by Silversun Pickups to start blasting through my earbuds. Ya know, the ones that have the hooky thingies that go around your ears, so they don't fall out while you move around. Yeah, I gotta have those or I'll be messing with my ears too much for a fight.

Then there is scream coming from a nearby alleyway.

It's go time, bitches.

I shove the earbuds into my ears sliding the music machine into the bicep sleeve as I pull my mask over my head. Once the mask is placed over my face, the fabrics from the body to the face dissolve together to stay intact with one another. Still baffled on how he was able to do this when creating this suit, yet I shall not question the master. Also, don't let it deceive you with it being skin tight. Again, I don't know where my pal got the material from, but it's fantastic for combat situations. Never a single hole after a battle when I've been using it for over a year. As it turns on, my googles start to active giving me targets for either parkour to people I could attack. Plus the thing I really need right now is the night vision. Letting me see every object that you would be able to see during the day. I take a few steps back from the ledge until I charge for the edge. Jumping to the other building across the street not to get to the other roof, but to bounce off of it. When I get close enough to the wall, a small electroplate about the size of my feet appears an inch away from the soles. Using both feet to launch my momentum back to the side of the street I was recently on. Doing one of those cheesy superhero landings because I'm that extra.

The screaming has died down, but this is when my ears come into play. That may sound weird but bear with me here. I slowly take out the earbuds since my mask doesn't cover my ears. Then I simply concentrate. Breaths steady, and my heart rate down. That's when everything goes into almost slow motion state with the noise from before suddenly becoming loud like before, and it sounds muffled. Like someone is covering the person's mouth with their bare hands. Yeah, I can control my five senses. I was able to do it ever since I was a little rascal, so it ain't weird to me. Focus Emmett! Go after the distress! Sprinting towards the wailing as I estimate the distance of the sound through its frequency. It's coming up on a left turn I know that.

Not this turn.


One more.

and turn!

Right then I whipped my head around I'm brought with a group of big, muscular men surrounding a freaked out woman in her like late 20's... ish? I swear, if this was supposed to be a gang-bang session I really don't want to know, so don't tell me.

I clear my throat resulting in everyone to snap there heads my way. They all look confused as hell by what standing there, and I don't blame them. What would you do if you saw a dude in a navy blue skin-tight suit with glowing baby blue eyes with the same glow on the back with a circuit design? Oh, and I have bright green hair slicked back. Yeah, that's probably why they are looking at me like I'm the crazy one.

"So boys," I drag out as I strut my way over to the party, "would y'all be dolls, and let the poor lady go?"

Not even a blink... gotta love the natives of Castle Hill.

Welp! They want the hard way then.

I quickly retrieve my pistols with silencers out and dual wield them. Shooting at as many as possible, yet not actually strike them. Otherwise, once people find the dumb asses knockout in this alleyway, it'll look better if they didn't have bullet holes in their foreheads. The reason I'm shooting is to divert all of their attention my way, allowing the gal to escape in which she did. The girl booked it fast, but I don't blame her. Yucky, horny men are a no go in my book. Once she is gone, it's party trick time.

"It's showtime," I mutter under my breath as they come charging at me with daggers and missing completely with their puny pistols. Twirling my guns back into their rightful holsters, I can just feel it charged and ready. I slowly crossed my arms over my chest and letting it rip. I whip my arms down to my side, letting loose this energetic electricity wall to come bolting towards the ghetto men. And like that, they all dropped like flies.

"Easy peasy; lemon squeezy!" I proclaim while wiping my hands together to bat of the dust. I look around at the deadbeats and let's just say it's obvious what happened to them. For fuck sakes, they look like burnt barbecue chicken! Ah, I had to chuckle at that little joke.


Now I must head back to my lil shared home before my buddy kills me for being out so late. I then jump up back and forth from each building like I did before with the plates. That's how my transportation as this alter ego. I'm like if Gabby Douglas was an electric type in Pokemon. A flexible ball of energy that is not afraid to knock you out!

... I just wish I had teleportation on times like these. My bed and I have a date that I can not miss, or it'll leave our relationship in devastation! I can't lose them! It's my only source of love and food. Yeah, I cheat on my bed with food, don't judge. I smile to myself as I start to come across familiar buildings. These means I'm 3 minutes away from the apartment. I'm back in Hunts Point. I'm almost home.

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