New Ear Avengers, JUST CAUSE

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Dutch, Benny, Rock, Revy, and Naoe, was approaching the coastline of their destination. " The Isle Of San Solei, is a vacation paradise on the

surface. But, underneath, the people is under the shaodw of dictatorship. The ruling ' party' is under the watchful eye of one, Francisco

Vasquez, born in one of the mountainous 'slums' of the place. He lead a military coup in the late 80's and took over. Ever since then,

he made deals with, drug cartels, human traficers, and gun runners. The U.N. & NATO cannot turn a blind eye to this. And, the civil rights

violations. With it said, The Black Lagoon Company and Naoe Kanno will infiltrate the Island, and destroy Vasqez's infrastructure, and

assist The resistance there. Your targets is marked in Orange or Red physically by resistance spies. Good luck.", said Coulson.

" Next stop, sun, surf, civil rights violations, and pervert dictators.", said Revy. " Well, I guess my disguise will work.", said Naoe stepping

up upon deck. She was dressed in, White heels, stockings, Gold trimmed and Gold vine embroidered, Chinese - styled dress.

" The first one drools, EATS DINNER THROUGH A STRAW!", said Naoe. Then, the heavily armed and armored PT Boat, pulled into an

isolated cove. " Nice of the resistance to provisde us, parking space.", said Revy. " And, I found us a safe house.", said Rock.

" Well, time for me, to get the layout of the land.", said Naoe. She walked up the stone hewn steps, and up to an awaiting Vespa.

She climbed on it, and started it up. The scenery was beautiful. Naoe spotted something, a quad, camera equipped drone.

" Magnify that.", ordered Vasquez. He spotted Naoe. ' Never seen her before. She's cute and ' sexy ' .', he thought.

" Benny, there's a drone eyeing me.", said Naoe. " Head for the safehouse. We got jammers set up.", replied the hacker.

She turned off to a mountainous road, and started to follow it. She noticed, one drone broke off, and another took over.

' Talk about, ' Big Brother '.' , she thought. Then, she made it to the house. She pulled into the open garage, and the door slowly

shut. The house, was like a mini mansion. She stepped on the tiles floor, stopping at the carpeted living room.

She took off the heels, and carried them, and walked to the bedroom. She changed out of the dress, and stockings, and into a Black

tube top, and a Blue denim skirt and Black wedgies. She got a bottled water, and went to the back balcony.

" Wow!, You look good in anything.", said Rock, walking over to her. " Got something to say, or are you here to Perv on me?",

asked Naoe. " * hands over paper * Targets of oppurtunity. We're starting with lightly guarded power stations, and Ammo Storage

Areas.", he replied. " Oh, also, you need to attend an equipment briefing."

The garage door opened, and Naoe once again rode. She noticed a tiny Black box on her handlebars. ' Must be a jammer.', she thought.

She managed to lose the drones, and pulled into a gas station.

Vasquez looked over the photos on his desk, they were of Naoe in her dress and tube top and skirt. ' An angel.', he thought.

Naoe spotted Sadoka. " What the 'H' are you doing here?", asked Naoe. " I had been here for a month. I will confess, this is

New Era Avengers, JUST CAUSE Where stories live. Discover now