Derek // Check yourself, before you wreck yourself.

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It's been too long and I'm sorry. But I promise with all my heart I will try harder. This ones for you guys. The ones who continue to support my work. ♡

The sounds of your boyfriend seriously abusing the poor punching bag echoed through the industrial loft. Supernatural creature or not, you could feel the emotions radiating off every hit.

Anger. Rage. Disappointment. Worry.

With a deep sigh you slowly descend the stairs to face the brooding wolf. Each step amplifies the noise until it becomes deafening. Like an orchestra leading up to the final crescendo until all of a sudden it goes deathly quiet. All it took was two words. Two words to stop the rage, the anger, the hurt and the worry.

"Derek, stop."

The violent assault ceases and only heavy breathing and a rapid heartbeat could be heard.
"You're freaking us out." You mumble whilst moving towards him slowly, still feeling the wave of violent urges he is radiating.


"Yes Derek, your child hasnt stopped kicking my insides since you started up. They are worried about you and quite frankly I am too," You gently say whilst grabbing his arms and turning him towards you. "Baby, what's going through that head of yours?"


"They can sense that kind of stuff?" He whispers out confused. You cant stop the small smile that graces your face. He's so darn cute.
"Well maybe not all babies, but when they have a mama and papa who are both werewolves, I think the rules change." You smile, earning a weak smile in return.

The small smile suddenly disappears off his face as he pulls away from you, moving to look out the water stained windows. He only gets a few steps away from you when your hit with nauseating pain.
"Oh sweet lord." You gasp out whilst clutching your ribs.

His head snaps back over to you and immediately he is back at your side.
"What is it?," he looks with fear ridden eyes. If you weren't in so much pain then you may have finally realised what he was so worked up about.

"Your freaking child just jabbed me in the ribs that's what's going on." You pant out trying to control the pain and get your breath back.
He increases his grip on your arms steadying your aching form, "How can I help?"

Another pain hits your stomach and you whimper from the pain, your hands now gripping his shirt for dear life.
"Hold me. Please just don't let me go."

His eyes are screaming worry for the ones he loves, while yours are clenched shut trying to ground yourself through this pain. His eyes never left your face and he watches it contort in discomfort, until it finally relaxes enough for you to melt into his arms again.

"I love you." You tiredly mumble into his chest. "I love you so much."

"I love you too (y/n)... I'm sorry I made you go through that." He apologises into your hair.
"Mmmm s'okay." You say, half asleep. Being pregnant already wasn't easy, but add pain on top of the heavy weight, mood changes and hormones... you cant even keep your eyes open.

He smiles down at your now peaceful form, glad he doesn't have to look at your crumbling body shift in agony. He gently picks you up, carrying you up to the bedroom where you once resided before he upset your little creation. The bed softly sinks down as your body eases into the comfy sheets once more, as a small moan softly leaves your lips.

He knew you were close to the sleep you deserved, so he stayed with you and played with your hair. Just as you felt sleep was about to take you under you said one last thing.

"Maybe we should work on the fact that you go in fists flying when things don't go your way." You sigh as he tucks a piece of hair behind your ear.

"Perhaps all I needed was this gift to help me realise that..."


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