Don't Stop -4-

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Madelyn's POV

Ashton sent me the other boys numbers this morning since we forgot to get them yesterday. I saved them all in my phone and started a group chat between all of us.

Madelyn: Hey guys. Just started us a group chat :)

Ashton: Ok :)

Mikey: Kk :)

Calum: K :)

Luke: Ok ;)

After I set up the group chat I looked at the time. Its was 12:30 in the afternoon. I hadn't gotten a text from Ashton about our date yet so I just decided to go to my backyard and get in the pool. 

I went to my drawers and looked for a swimsuit. I found a light blue one with roses on the top part of the two piece. I had always been self conscious with my weight and always watched what I wore. Which is why I only wore these when I was just getting in the pool in my backyard. 

I went towards the kitchen with a towel and my phone. I got a text from Ashton. 

Ashton: Hey. So what time is good for you?

Madelyn: Anytime really. If you want you could come over now and swim in my pool. 

Ashton: K. I'll be on my way in a minute. 

I sent him the address, put my phone down, and sat down on the chair closest to the pool.

A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door. I ran to answer it. I opened the door and there he was. "Hey Madelyn," He said with a smile on his face. His smile made me blush. I let him in and he closed the door behind him. 

We got to the pool and just sat on the edge dipping our feet in. We started talking.

"So wanna play a game?" Ashton asked. "What game do you have in mind?" I questioned. "A game where we can know each other better," He said. "Sure," I answered. 

"So we are going to play never have I ever," Ashton said. "Ok, do you want to start?" I asked. "Sure," He replied. "Never have I ever... dyed my hair," Ashton stated. "Neither have I," I said. 

It was my turn. "Never have I ever... dated someone," I stated. "I have, it didn't turn out so well," Ashton replied. I grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry," I said. "What happened if you don't mind me asking," I asked. "She had been cheating on me after the first month that we had been dating with this actor from L.A that she met on tour with me and the boys," He said with a slight frown. "I am so sorry Ashton, a boy like you deserves someone who will love you no matter what," I said. 

I wish that could happen between us. We quit the game to get off the topic and got in the pool. 

We raced each other up and down and splashed each other non stop. We were laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. I was falling for him and I couldn't help it. 

We got out of the pool and went inside. It was now like 2:00 and Ashton offered to take me somewhere. We got changed out of the swimsuits. I put on a maroon tee with light washed jeans and maroon converse. I dried my wet hair and threw it up in a messy bun. 

I walked downstairs and saw Ashton on the couch waiting for me. We went in Ashton's car and I didn't know where we were going. He said it was a surprise. 

After driving for about 2 hours we reached the sign saying welcome to Sydney and pulled up a hill. We parked at the top and got out. Then we walked over to a flat area and sat down. "Its pretty up here," I said. "Yea, I started to drive around Sydney when I found this place and started to come here everyday to calm down," Ashton added. 

We sat there looking at Sydney from the hill for about 3 hours just talking and laughing. It was nice being with him.

Ashton's POV

I looked over at her and smiled. She was just so beautiful. 

"We should probably head back before my mom starts to worry," Madelyn said. "Ok,' I responded. 

We walked back to the car and I opened the door for her as she got in. I closed it and then went back over to my side. I opened my door hopped in and closed it. I grabbed my keys and put them in the ignition. I started the car and put it in reverse. 

- 2 hours later -

We made it back to her house and I stopped the car. I looked over at her. She looked back at me. I leaned in and she did too. I grabbed her face and connected my lips with hers. I pulled away. "Don't stop," She said. I leaned back in and connected my lips with hers again. She pulled away kissed my cheek and got out of the car and walked to the door of her house. 

She walked in and closed the door. I got a text message.

Madelyn: I like you Irwin


I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Things are starting to happen between them and I am so excited! Anyway hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading! 

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