Chapter One - True Love is Blinding

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     "Darkpaw, what are you doing?" Darkpaw's mentor questioned. "You love him, don't you?" She totally was staring at Thistlesplash, who received his warrior name only the night before, and is still sitting vigil. 
      "No! Why do you think that?" She mewed crossly at Tigerblaze. 
      "Oh, I don't know, maybe the way that you stare at him all the time?" Tigerblaze taunted.                "Well, I guess you're right, but I can't help but wonder, does StarClan think that I'm fit for ShadowClan? Or a mate? Or will everyone hate me forever? Nobody sits near me at gatherings, or even greets me! They're probably talking behind my back!" Darkpaw wailed into the night. Meanwhile, Thistlesplash pricked his ears, and listened to her. What? She loves me? No! That can't be! Did StarClan choose us? What will Cedarflight think? Should I even ask her?  Thistlesplash wondered helplessly, staring at the quarter moon, sinking slowly into the forest. When dawn came, Duststar let him go to the warrior's den, but he didn't, he went straight to Darkpaw, hoping that she wanted to go hunting one last time as an apprentice with him.
      "I'd love to!" She mewed. "Okay, but one minute," She trailed off and ran to Tigerblaze. 
      "She was mine first! I saw her first, I met her first, she's mine!" He heard a voice snarl behind him. He whipped around to see Birchshadow glaring at him, "And as soon as she becomes a warrior, I'm going to ask her to be my mate!" Birchshadow was pretty intimidating, but at her warrior ceremony? Wasn't that against the rules? When the time came, Duststar called the clan to a meeting. 
      "All cats old enough to catch their own prey meet at Blackrock!" She called. As the clan gathered, Darkpaw stepped forward and let Duststar continue, "I, Duststar, leader of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Darkpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" 
      Darkpaw shivered. "I do."
      "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Darkpaw, from this momet on, you will be known as Darkrose. StarClan honours your strength and intellegence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan." Duststar called into the silent dusk.
      "Wait!" Birchshadow called.
      "Birchshadow! What is this all about?" Duskstar sternly demanded.
      "I wanted to know if you, Darkrose, would take me as mate." Birchshadow continued.
      Darkrose felt angry all of a sudden. "No, I will not take you as my mate. You aren't right for me." She turned around slowly to take her place at the camp entrance. First Owlpaw dies, and then some fox-brained cat asks me to be his mate? Yeah, I don't think so! She drew weary as the night dragged on.

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