The Letter

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Alicia has had a very interesting life, but it's about to get even stranger. Alicia is turning 11 in May. May 12 to be exact. Since she is a muggle she has no idea what's about to be delivered to her. It's a letter that will change her life. Alicia woke up with a tapping noise. She thought it would go away, but the mysterious tap tap tap returned. So she sat up on her bed. She looked over at her alarm clock and saw it was 9:35 A.M. In her head she thought I hope it's not that Jacob from school. She found out from a friend that he liked her and, she wouldn't be that surprised to find him trying to ask her out through her window like in a movie. She pulled the covers off of her and grabbed her prosthetic leg from the side of her bed. By this time the tapping stopped, but before she got up they quickly returned.

"Alright! Alright! I'm coming." She exclaimed bitterly. She walked over to the window and pulled back the curtain in a violent manner as any cranky kid would. Little did she know it was an owl. She had to force herself not to shriek so she wouldn't alarm her parents. She thought to herself. How is this possible I don't own an owl and nobody around her does. She came to the conclusion she was dreaming. So she ran back to her bed and squeezed her eyes shut. After laying like this for a few minutes it was quiet. She cracked her eyes open and slowly moved her head to face the window. Sure enough the curtains were pulled back to reveal a snowy owl. This time she couldn't hold back a screech. Her parents immediately were in the room.

"What's the matter hunny?" Her mom asked sweetly. Worry plain on her eyes.

"Why do you still have your prosthetic on?" Her dad asked in a worried tone not that he cared about the fake leg. Alicia was speechless. She didn't know how to act or respond. So she did the only thing she could think of. She lifted her hand and pointed to the window. Her parents followed the line to the window and were shocked.

"What the...?" Her dad started. Alicia's mom started to walk to the window. She was the only one that saw a letter attached to it. It was a yellow envelope with green writing. She took the letter and the owl flew off.

"It's addressed to you Alicia." Alicia's mom stated flatly.

"M-e... me?" Alicia asked confused. Her mom nodded. Alicia took the letter. She gave a intrigued expression as she looked at the yellow paper and green writing. She read the letter.

"So?" Her parents stayed at the same time.

"It's an acceptance letter to a... a.. Wizarding school." Alicia muttered unbelievably.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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