- Chapter #1 -

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Tired and frustrated was an understatement, Louis was on his absolute last leg. Who knew that him postponing his History thesis and English paper that he had to do over the Christmas break would result in him having to pull two all nighters in a row. However he did have a good excuse for doing so, he stayed with family for most of his break and took on extra hours at the coffee shop for the few days he had left.

Louis quietly cursed at himself as he realised that his first lecture of the new term was starting in less than 7 hours. He quietly got off his bed and tried to avoid every RedBull can and empty coffee mug on his way to the door. It was well past midnight so Louis just assumed that his roommate Niall was already asleep in his own bedroom. However when Louis came out into the corridor to go to the bathroom he heard a quiet voice coming from the direction of the living room / kitchen area. Louis went over to check out what was going on and as he approached closer to the source of the noise he heard Niall quickly say goodbye to someone and put down his phone.

"Louis!? What are you doing being up so late"

"I would love to ask you the exact same question Niall"

"Well I asked you first didn't I?"

"Fair, I had to use the bathroom. Your turn."

"I was just uum... Getting a glass of cranberry juice" Niall said pointing at the box of juice standing on the opposite side of the counter from where he was standing.

"Really? I thought you hated cranberry juice?"

"Well what do you know, maybe I like it now"

Louis smiled but decided against questioning Niall's reason on being out of bed.

"Who was that on the phone anyway?"

"Ah, that yes. I can't really tell you as of now because its not a final decision but what I can tell you is that you're really gonnna love the surprise if I go through with it"

Louis loved surprises, now that Niall told him he probably wouldn't be able to sleep for the rest of the night trying to come up with every possible surprise Niall could have made for him.

"Are you getting me a dog for my birthday!??"

"No Louis, and your birthday was weeks ago"

"Ok but still, that doesn't change the fact that you didn't get me anything"

"Wasn't the birthday card I sent you in the mail not enough for you!?"

"It would have been... If you actually would have put some money into it"

"Go to sleep Louis, you ungrateful twat" and on that note Niall walked past Louis and into his room.

Louis was doubled over laughing but suddenly remembered the reason he was out of his room in the first place. He waddled his way to the bathroom trying not so wet himself on the way there.

When he was done he went back and set his alarm, frowning slightly as he now had less than 6 hours left, considering he hasn't slept for two nights in a row.

He fell asleep to imagining himself playing with a puppy that he saw in a pet shop storefront.


Hey guys!

I finally posted the first chapter. I'm sorry it was so short tho. Its only 595 words but I couldn't think of anything else to write about as first chapter material.

I don't know when the second one is gonna be up but hopefully sometime this week

This is me celebrating the publishing of my first ever fan fiction ⬇

This is me celebrating the publishing of my first ever fan fiction ⬇

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