Part 17

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Corny evryone!


Joey Pov

Aow... My whole body is in pain... What happen to me? I was on my way to the police station... And... I can't remember. I open my eyes slowly. I was sitting in a dark room. I tried to move but it hurts I also were tied up to the chair and silver tape over my month, but that wasn't it... I was only in my boxers and along in a room. It was to dark and my eyes still hurt so didn't saw to much. I tried to move but I was to weak. My whole body was red and I had marks after nails agents my body. Were are I'm? Who did this to me, and what did he do?

I herd a door open.

??: good, your awake!

It was a man voice, I kind of know that voice... But from were. I wasn't able to speak seance the tape. The man came closer and wiped the tape away, I guise that a new way to shave your beard...

Joey: fuck!!!! What was that for!?
??: you wanted to speak right?
Joey: were are I'm? What are you doing to me and what do you want!?
??: hehe, so many questions, so little time
Joey: ok, forget about it! I have money! I won't tell the cops!
??: but you was about to

I leaded out a gasp.... John?

Joey: John!?
John: well, well what a clever boy you are
Joey: what do you want?
John: oh, you know what I want, I already took the first part I wanted so I'm fine, but I want the other part to
Joey: wait? What do you mean?
John: don't play studied Joey!! You know what I want! So say it!
Joey: Shane?...
John: that wasn't that hard, wasn't it?
Joey: and what did you mean by the first part, that you already took it?
John: ummm... You have a nice ass Joey, that what I can tell you hehe
Joey: you had sex with me!?
John: umm... Section best round u ever got, I mot admit I like Shane more then you but yeah sure you were knocked out so you just laid there and took it

I felt dirty... I have got raped!! I started to let out some theirs.

John: oh, little cry Joey, buhu what your mommy? Oh that's right that bitch hates you!! Hahahaha!!
Joey: stop it!! Just stop
John: stop being such a baby Graceffa, it's not new that no body loves you
Joey: you don't know what love is your fucking man whore!!!

He slapped me hard in the face, like I wasn't already in theirs and blood... He putted on the tape again so wasn't able to make a sound.

John: you stay here! Till I kill you!

Then he went off, was this day worse. First I had a fight with Shane, then got raped and kidnaped! Please tell me that Shane's over the fight and looking for me!

Shane Pov

I sat by my computer, there is noway I will miss a single mail from John now! He had my Joey! I can't image the stuff he's doing to him, his sure is screed and feel hopeless. I will save Joey, I will not do the same mistake again.

"New mail"

Yes! Please tell me it's something good!

But it wasn't... It was a photo of Joey naked, passed out and that can only mean one thing... John raped Joey. My poor baby!! I started to cry, Joey has to be okey! I broke down, I miss him, I want him with me! If I just haven't start to fight with him!! He would never left the apartment from start.

I called John, I need to find him!

John: hi baby!
Shane: listen! Leave Joey along! He was never asking to get into this!
John: oh, but I can free him when you give me what I want
Shane: fine... Were are you?
John: do you think I'm studied? So you can call the cops on me? It will be a car outside waiting for you in 30 min outside hotel Mimmi, and if I here a word about the cops, Joey is paying the prize
Shane: deal...

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