The beginning

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The sun rose above the horizon as it's bright shine went inside Inko's room and woke her up, she began to slowly open her eyes as she immediately pulled the sheets over her head since her eyes weren't used to the sun since she had just woken up. Inko yawned and stretched as she got up sitting on the bed as the sheet fell off her head, her eyes now being a little bit used to the light. She was a bit annoyed at herself for not closing the blinds to prevent these things from happening, she could just close it without having to leave the bed because of her quirk but she some how forgot to, she must've been really tired last night. Being a single mother really makes it harder for her to go through with her daily *Stay-at-home* life because of all the things you have to do when taking care of your home by yourself. 

Inko got out of the bed, walking straight to the closet and taking out a white shirt and a blue skirt, it was her most generic outfit, well if you brought in the pink shirt over the white one, it would have been.

She brought the clothes over to the bathroom and placed them on the toilet as she began getting ready for a shower

*Skip!* (Im skipping this shower part to save you guys, unless you want me to add it in... Perverts)

After a while she exited the bathroom wearing her picked out clothes and began walking towards the kitchen to make herself some healthy breakfast, but before she did that she walked to the living room to turn on the tv as she then walked to the kitchen and made her healthy breakfast. The news channel was on and they were always so busy talking about the number 1 hero, All might and all his actions that he's done through out all these years.

Inko had always found that man to be quite attractive and really interesting, but she has also tried to deny those feelings because she thinks that All Might would never go for such an old hag like herself. She got a bit annoyed because of her insecurities and turned of the tv as All Might was on the screen. A soft sigh escaped her mouth as she began eating. 

If she only knew how wrong she was 


Well, I'm going to stop there, if you want to see more from me then just let me know. one person telling me to continue will be enough. If my story is able to put a smile on someone's face then this has turned out to be a success.

Why is it so hard to come up with a title... (All Might x Inko)Where stories live. Discover now