Holding On One Last Time

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Years later. Do you think I haven't tried? I tried my best to fall out of it. Sometimes I think. Get out of my life. You're ruining my mind. But if you leave. I would lose someone who is majorly important to me. I don't need affection. I don't need attention. I don't need anything. But sometimes, a person can want. When was the last time you even said a sensible sentence to me? It makes me feel like you don't care. I just need a friend. I just need someone by my side. Only one. Only one person who has actually been by my side. They know who they are. I want to scream. I want to cry. But then I would seem weak. I can't be weak. Well, the true me. The true me, is weak and vulnerable. I don't need a lover. I need a friend and if you're not that friend then why are you even here? Do you pity me? Don't. I want to be strong. But when I think of you, I can't. I want to say that I have never doubted our friendship. I want to say that I never thought that our friendship would fall apart. But I would be lying. But can you blame me? Can you really blame me? No. No you can't

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