I'll Kill For You {5}

524 8 9

Requested by: BubbleRick

Rick used: Yandere Rick

Theme: Yandere, blood, guts, gore, murder

I'm gonna stop doing word counts cause it's annoying


You hear the school bell ring as you collect your stuff and walk out of the classroom. There was you, a few Ricks, a few Mortys, and some other students you usually didn't bother to get to know. There was one Rick in particular, though, that always intrigued you. He had his hair tied back in a small poof on his head and chewed on bubblegum a lot. You'd see him almost everywhere you went when you weren't home, but you didn't think anything of it.

You got to your locker to put your stuff away and once you closed your locker, you jumped in surprise to see a Morty leaning against the wall next to your locker. "Oh, s-sorry I-I-I scared you, (Y-Y/N)..." he stuttered out, giving the boy a reassuring ruffle of his hair. This Morty had more spiked hair and a necklace with a small crown on it. You gave a quick glance behind the Morty, spotting that same Rick from before, except he was standing straight and in the middle of the hallway, his eyes dark as he glared daggers at the boy in front of you.

"Don't worry, it's okay." You responded, smiling at the Morty you'll just call Sora.

In case you are unaware, Sora is a character in a video game called Kingdom Hearts. It's an amazing game, I suggest you play it. Its for the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 4. It might be hard to find the PS2 versions, but they're all in sets for the PS4 (1.5 + 2.5, 2.8, and KH3 is coming out soon).

Sora smiled up at you, blushing lightly. "A-A-Anyways, I-I wanted to ask you if you wanted to, m-m-maybe, uh... G-Go on a d-d-date with me l-later...?" He didn't seem to be aware of the man behind him, who now had an expressionless face, but his eyes looked alight with rage, and you could see it even with how far away you were.

You hesitantly agreed and scheduled the time to be 6:00 pm on the rooftop of the school, the ponytailed Rick now nowhere to be seen. You got all your stuff from your locker and headed home.


It was now 5:30 and you decided to wear a simple t-shirt and jeans, making your way to the roof of the school. On your way, you spot Ricks such as four eyes, the scientist formerly known as, doofus, and slow (better known as Tall Morty), and Mortys such as lizard, specs, left handed, and slick. You made it to the roof and smelled this... Awful smell, almost like something rotting. You follow the smell and once you get to the source, you screamed in horror.

There, on the ground, lay Sora. His limbs were all chopped at each joint and sewn back together, a huge gaping hole in his chest where his heart should be. You say should be because it's not there. There was an almost endless pool of blood underneath him and a trail of bloody footprints. You hesitate before following the trail very cautiously, looking to each side to make sure you don't end up like Sora. That poor kid... He just wanted to go out with you... Who could've done this...?

You spot the end of the trail, but its behind the AC unit. It just ends there. You suddenly feel someone tap your shoulder from behind and you scream before spinning around and spotting the Rick with the ponytail. He was covered in blood that you could only assume was Sora's and his hands were behind his back. He had a crazed smile on his face and you could physically see shadows under his eyes. He moved his hands from behind his back and held out a heart. A human heart.

Sora's heart.

"Will you be mine, and only mine?" He spoke softly, the look of insanity still plastered on his face.

If you say yes:

You find the fact that he would kill for you oddly romantic as you blush softly, hesitating before nodding with a soft smile. His face beams with joy, the crazy look on his face now completely gone as he threw the heart over the wall. You both could hear the high pitched screams of a Morticia and you both chuckled about it softly before he pulled you closer by your waist and pushed his blood ridden lips to yours. It took you a moment before you kissed back, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.

He eventually pulled away and smiled softly at you with half lidded eyes. You pat his shoulder gently with a smile as well. "Let's clean this place up, then go back to my place. How does that sound?" He nodded and grabbed your hand as you both go to clean up the mess he's made trying to confess to you.

If you say no:

You immediately shook your head and pushed him away from you. "Hell to the fuck no, you crazy bastard!" You tried to run, but even with the push, he still had you cornered. The only option of escape would be to jump.

You could see the look of heartbreak and regret in his eyes as he dropped the heart, now realizing that wasn't the best way to tell you. You slowly back up, turning around and jumping.

You grab onto the windowsill of the third floor and you keep doing the same with the others until you made it to the bottom. You took a look back at the roof and see him standing there at the edge, watching you walk/run away with tears in his eyes. You ran all the way home, trying not to think about what just happened as you came to your house door. You suddenly felt a rag being pushed to your face and as you struggle to breathe properly, your vision fades to black.

You wake up strapped down to a chair in what looks like a basement. You push and pull against your restraints, but to no avail. You hear footsteps walking closer and closer from behind you, and when your kidnapper comes into view, you see none other than the Yanderfuck that killed Sora.

"You belong to me, and only me..."

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