When they met

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I'm getting ready to go meet my friends at a bar type of restaurant then go tithe movies when my phone goes off. I can tell from the ringtone that it's one of my best friends, Amanda so I jog over to my bed and pick up the phone. Immediately she greets me and then goes on about how they've been waiting 'so long', how here boyfriend is meeting us at the movies later and how my other best friend Cameryn brought one of her friends Jackson along and all I can do is snicker and say "great I just love 5th wheeling." I say good bye and hang up the phone walking back to the mirror.

I look at myself in the mirror and you can tell I haven't been sleeping well lately, there are bags under my emerald eyes, my face looks pale and instead of my rose colored puffy lips they look dusty pink and chapped.  Then I look at the outfit I have on and sigh, it doesn't look like something I'd go out in it looks like something I'd clean is which it is. I know I have to hurry and get ready so I go to my closet and pick the first semi decent thing I find, a red crop top with spaghetti straps and a pair of white wash shorts. I put it on and it actually looks really good, you can see my curves and my small waist. Then I go to my mirror and look at my face again I decide I don't have a ton of time, since I'm already late. I quickly apply some mascara, eyeliner and Chapstick. Then I put my chestnut brown hair in a messy bun, usually I straighten it but there's not enough time. I grab some red vans and my keys and get in the car to go meet my friends.

After about ten minutes of traffic I finally pull up to the sports bar we decided to go to. I put my keys and Chapstick in my purse and walk inside. I immediately spot Amanda and Cameryn, it's always easy because of Amanda's bright red hair. But then I notice a guy next to them, he has tan skin, muscles, and this super messy brown hair. I can't see his face but he looks hot from the back. As soon as my friends see me walk over the start screaming my name and the boy, who I assume is Jackson turns around smiling. He was hot from the back but he's even hotter from the front. His eyes are blue and they twinkle, his smile is the cutest thing I've ever seen and his clothes are messy but hot just like his hair.

"Hi you must be Jackson, I'm Harper." I introduce myself

"Hi Harper." He replies with a smile

I got over to my girls and hug them then I take a seat next to Amanda and across from Jackson.

"We already ordered I got you your usual." Cameryn tells me

"You should have gotten a fake id with us drinks are half off." Amanda smirks

"I'm good that's illegal." I laugh

"So you're like the goody goody of the group?" Jackson asks

"Depends do you have a fake Id?" I question

"Nope." He shrugs "I have a real one."

"You're 21?" I question again

"Si niña." He nods

"I'm not a little girl." I glare

"To me you are." He smirks

"I'm 19." I cross my arms

"And I'm 21 so you are a kid." He chuckles

"Whatever." I sigh and walk away

I walk outside and lean against my car at first I left cause I was tired of Jackson but now I feel kind of sick. I go from leaning on my car to sitting on the ground beside it suddenly.

"Are you okay?" Jackson rushes over

"I'm fine." I state

"No you aren't." He responds "I'm going to tell Amanda and Cameron that I'm taking you home."

I watch him jog inside and I try to get up and into the car. I'm about to be in when my leg gives out so instead I fall and hit my head on the car door. Not too long after I feel Jackson pull me into the car and grab my keys from my purse. I fall asleep and when I wake back up Jackson is carrying me out of the car.

"I have legs." I say sarcastically

"You were sleeping I didn't want to wake you." He laughs "But whatever you say princess."

He puts me down and I fall but before I hit the group he catches me.

"Maybe I should have brought you to the doctor instead of your house." He thinks out loud

"I'm a 19 year old college student with a part time job I can afford to do that. Plus I think I know what's wrong just get me inside." I command

"Bossy bossy." He tisks

Finally he gets me inside my house and lays me on the couch.

"Do you mind getting an ice pack and ice cream from the freezer?" I ask turning on Netflix

"Alright." He says walking to the kitchen

"Thank you. For everything." I tell him

"It's not a problem I like playing Prince Charming. He laughs bringing what I asked for

"Well Prince Charming do you mind staying here until I find out I can walk again? I might need someone to catch me before I fall or drive me to the doctors." I say taking a bite of icecream

"Sure thing. What happened to your knee?" He asks

"I tore my acl partially my senior year in high school playing basketball. It keeps getting worse and I don't have the money to fix it right now. I mean my parents would probably pay for it but they are struggling for money right now." I explain

"I'm sorry that really sucks." He frowns

"Well I didn't mean to bring the mood down. What do you want to watch?" I ask

"How about grown ups?" He asks scrolling through

"Yesss grownups is my shit!" I squeal

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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