Pleasant Dinner Conversation

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Supreme Commander Urhrich started eating his specially made Double Bacon Cheeseburger with some potato chips. Then the Colonel, who was now very bored as all the other officers were stuffing fatty, salty, sugary foods into their pie holes, started talking again.

"I see you do not have RoboGuards. Why is that?"

"I Don't believe in RoboUnits as boot camp guards and you will see no RoboGuards, RoboPolice, or RoboTroops here. You will see RoboServers at the Nixon Pyramid Complex, but thats it."

"That is an amazing answer for the owner of Serv-U Robotics, RoboWarrior Industries, and Robotic Defense Technologies."

"No it is not. I believe in RoboTech, but not as boot camp guards for my ISA. Not yet."

"I have reviewed the ISA budgets for the last ten years and the ISA has purchased fifty thousand RoboUnits from RoboWarrior Industries in the last three years."

"I have them in storage in Rugby. We are not ready to use RoboUnits yet, but we will try to incorporate RoboTech in the next few years. Colonel did you know that Rugby is the geographic center of Nomerica?"

"No I did not know that. I have been informed that the Thump Family considers you to be an actual member of their family."

When will this guy shut up? All I want to do is eat my supper and relax with my men on this cozy evening.

"Well, I have been in their service for about fourteen years. I set up the security teams protecting President Thump and the entire Thump Organization," Uhrich said with burger and chips still rolling around in his mouth.

"No you didn't just set up the protection teams. You personally saved President Thump's life about seventeen times."

"No more like thirty seven times."

"The Generals at STARC (Strategic & Tactical Armed Readiness Command) told me you have been shot, stabbed,

clubbed, bit, punched, kicked, karate chopped, and scratched trying to save the president."

"You forgot being spat on. I would rather be shot and stabbed, than having spit flying in my face!"

"Supreme Commander, I'm sorry, but I have been shot. I have also been stabbed. I assure you, human spit is a trifle compared to a metal blade tearing through your flesh or a metal bullet ripping through your body."

"Then sir, you are a man without pride. Pride is what gets a real man out of bed every morning and it is pride that wears this uniform every day. A uniform I see you are not proudly wearing!"

The colonel was taken a back by this comment. He did not expect such a sharp attack by this fatty oaf. He'd been told to watch out for sudden left field bursts of sarcasm & violence.

He was on his own and he knew he had to be careful. Anyways, he was safe, even this murderous thug wouldn't try to imprison or kill a member of STARC. Uhrich was a homicidal maniac, but he was also a political animal, who knew who really held power in the United States of Nomerica, the military. As he stared back at Uhrich, he knew this fool has too much to lose in wealth & the good life to physically harm him. The Colonel decided to go on the offensive and was going to show Uhrich's men that he was now going to be in charge of Boot Camp Nekoma and the entire ISA.

"Yes, a uniform I will recommend to STARC & President Thump to be decommissioned and replaced by a STARC uniform."

Uhrich actually started to chuckle which turned into a big belly laugh. Uhrich had expected this & was thrilled the colonel was trying a counter attack.

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