We LIke to Party Part II!!!

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Who is the mysterious skater who has the guys shocked? Let's find out!

????: Hi guys!

Prince: Jhazelle?!

Jhazzy: That's my name.

Prod: That was you doing all those tricks?

Jhazzy: Uh, yeah. I thought that was obvious. (holding out the helmet)

Ray: Damn, girl, you got skills!

Roc: I take that back Prod, you skate worse than a girl!

Prod: (pushes Roc) Shut up!

Jhazzy: I just had to get a little practice in before the party tonight.

Prince: I can't wait until later (staring at Jhazzy's body) (POV: She is so damn sexy. I can't wait to see her in a bikini.)

Jhazzy: The girls can't wait to see you guys tonight. ( POV I can't lie neither can I)

Prod: Took the words right out of my mouth. (POV: I bet Jhanelle gon be looking fly.)

Roc: (smack Prod in his head) Snap out of it.

Ray He probably day-dreaming about Jhanelle.

Prod: Shut up man.

Jhazzy: Wait you like my sister?

Prince: Yeah he does.

Prod: (rolling eyes) OH my goodness, man what happened to the guy code?

Ray: What guy? I don't see a guy. (lookiing confused)

Roc: I didn't know we had a guy code.

Prince: (laughing hella hard)

Prod: Ahehehe. That's why I'm finna put y'all on blast. Roc like Raqcuel, Ray like Kimmy and my man Princeton here (puts his arm around Jhazzy's shoulders) likes you.

Jhazzy: wow (blushing) Um, I'm gonna go now. I have to..uh..yeah.(walks away) (POV Wow it must be true coming from his friend. Maybe I should give him a chance)

Prince: That wasn't even cool man. (starts chasing after Jhazzy) Jhazzy, wait up!

Jhazzy: (stops and turns around) Yeah?

Prince: I'm sorry about that.

Jhazzy: It's cool. It's kinda cute. (POV I hope I don't sound stupid 'cause I SUCK at flirting.)

Prince: (looking shocked) Forreal?

Jhazzy: (smiling hard) Yeah.

Prince: You like me?

Jhazzy: I'm not sure yet. You seem cool though.

Prince: Cool. (Blushing) Well, I'll see you at the party.

Jhazzy: Yeah, I'll see you. (starts walking away)

Prince: Wait. (Jhazzy turns around) I don't get a hug?

Jhazzy:(giggles) You didn't ask for one.

Prince: I'm asking now.

(Jhazelle wraps her arms around his neck and he puts his arms around her )

Jhazzy: (pulling away blushing) Bye

Prince: Bye (runs back to the boys and they share hand shakes and praise Princeton)

(Twins' House)

Kimmy: Jhazzy taking hellas to get back. (rolls eyes)

Rocky: Where she go anyways?

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