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(im back and busier than ever so I haven't proofread this call me out for mistakes if u want but im really tired and this is so bad but you wanted it so yea0

It had been a whole year since you had arrived in Korea. In fact, in just three weeks, you had to fly back home. You hadn't even told Jackson that you had to leave. You still had moments which felt like it would last for ever, he treated you like you could leave at any moment. He spent all of his time with you that he could, and the sight of you lit up his day. You had no plan of breaking his heart by telling him you're meant to be leaving in 21 days. You still spent endless moments together as if it was your last, even though it was. 

It was a friday and when everyone went out clubbing you and Jackson stayed over at his place watching a film and cuddling. You couldn't help but look up at him occasionally and feel bad at how he looks happy but doesn't know how you will have to leave him. Your housemates knew about how you're going to leave but they know they shouldn't tell him, however they have recently been looking at you awkwardly around the house.

'WHAT!', you shout in fraustration as they all stay silent drinking their tea secretly staring at you as you live life.

'You need to tell Jacksonnnn', Samjin moaned.

'Not yet', you said and they all sighed as they gave up

'I told you I'm going to tell him about 3 days before I leave, I don't want him to worry about me!', you whined before you got up and hid your face in the blankets in your room after slamming the door lightly. 

A week passed and it was 10 days until you had to leave and school had just finished. Jackson walked into your lecture which his dad was leading without realising you guys hadn't wrapped up the lecture when Jackson rolled in all confident and was tracing back so his father doesn't notice him and scold him and while he was slowly walking backwards he bashed into the door. 

'Wang Jia-er', his father looked at him as Jackson chuckled awkwardly.

'Sorry, wrong room', he bowed turning this time to walk out. 

'Come back here you fool', his dad ordered as everyone laughed in unison. Jackson walked back in to face his dad, scratching his head.

'Now did you come for me, or for your girlfriend over there, because it looks to me as if she wants to study and gain knowledge from this lecture, not exactly be disturbed by her boyfriends looks.' her dad said as Jackson made his way over to you and sat in the empty chair next to you.

'Sorry sir, will not happen again', he said once more, looking away into your eyes this time to avoid his dad from speaking to him again, embarrassing him in front of the whole class when his dad spoke again, causing him to clench his eyes in frustration.

'Jackson, don't do this to yourself, your girlfriend is good looking so its ok for her, but for you it's just embarrassing. Class dismissed.'

Jackson's mood changed from an annoyed and embarrassed expression straight into a cute smile. 

'Whattt', you asked as he pulled you by the wrists out of the hall and then pulled you close as you walked home. He didn't say anything much but you knew he had some sort of plan. While the others all went on summer shopping Jackson decided to stay home and told you to get dressed into something 'beautiful but comfortable'.

 While the others all went on summer shopping Jackson decided to stay home and told you to get dressed into something 'beautiful but comfortable'

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