Chapter 1

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•Beau's perspective•

After another boring day from school.
I swear to god, nothing is ever interesting in my life, I'm always bored and always drowning with problems.
I can't handle these things anymore. It's getting worse everyday!
I can't just run away from my problems like what everyone does. I just need to find a way to solve it.
I usually stay a bit late in my school talking with some friends that will keep me away from these thoughts that won't let me rest.
Anyways as usual, after my friends goes home me and my best friend mimi walk to our homes. We walk together so it could also distract me from my thoughts, but sometimes even if we are talking i would be easily distracted,
And just remember about my problems.
Anyways enough about my miserable life.
We were walking back home as i way bye again. Usually I'm stress so i would fight with my family or something.
But this time i was just quiet and just went to my room.
I think the only reason why i am like this is because of school.
Yeah too much work.
Ughh i just remember math week was coming soon! I better think of something to present or something....
Whatever I continued writing and finished my homework. And did ky routine. Next day another day, another nightmare.
I do my routine and walk to school, I obviously walk with mimi to school as well. So we did our usual thing. You know talk about stuff, animes and struggles.. but we always do this so it's normal.
We finally made it to school.
So i should probab tell you i started liking a friend of mine, childhood friend. He is a boy duh.. and i get butterflies on my stomach everytime we hangout. But i get easily jealous when it gets to him with other girls, especially the ones who wanted attention! How many girls do like my childhood friend..?
His name is ass-kun cause he could be an ass sometimes, just kidding his name is yuki.
So anyways as usual he sleeps at his desk while me and mimi talk while everyone is still gone. Now skip to the boring stuff in classes.
It was time to go home, mimi went home a bit early which is not normal.
But i walk with yuki and hansuke and his brother Eiji.
We sometimes walk together with mimi but mimi went home ahead of us, since she wants her homework done instantly, so we could hangout afterwards, since we live near each other we could just go to the other side of the street to hangout.
But for Hansuke and his brother Eiji is a little far from my place, and Yuki's house is the farthest from my home.
But yeah, the boys were talking about stuff I wasn't really paying attention so I didn't really understand their conversation.
After a few minutes of walking they started talking about crushes.
Eiji-kun was annoying his older brother with his crush as usual.
Hansuke was obviously pissed at his younger brother for spreading his crush.
Eiji-kun started talking about the person he used to like.
"I used to like Cat-chan." Eiji said with both hands behind his head, so it looked like he was stretching.
"Oh i know what happened between you.." i said.
Well you see they had a big fight which made Eiji stopped liking her.
He just looks at me and give me a 'tch' as a reply.
Eiji was a kind at the same time annoying person, he has light brown hair and a pale skin he also has light brown eyes.
"She also acted like you Beau, which made me like her before i met ya again" yuki said.
Wait what
I said to my said.
He used to like that brat..?
Cat-chan is my rival, you'll see later why.
"She is so pretty, talented" Yuki added.
"Yeah she is hot." Eiji said still hands on the back of his head trying to look cool.
Hansuke just nodded at them.
Yuki is not that charming but i like his personality. He is the typical guy who is intelligent and tells the things he learns to us, which we get pretty bored when listening.
But he is no match for Cat!
Besides he doesn't even know how she really acts. Not like Eiji-kun he definitely knows she gets mad and emotional, but he still likes her a bit, i can feel it.
They start complimenting Cat-chan, while i was the one who was so silent and trying my best not to cry.
This is making me jealous.. I thought to myself.
One: my crush likes someone else
Two: i am not good enough.
"She acted like you Beau, but before i met you again, i like her, and not just a friend."
Yuki said breaking my thoughts.
Hearing these words broke my heart.
I wanted to run but i would look like an attention seeker who is asking the boys to chase me and ask me what's wrong.
so i tried holding back my tears as we all split up going to our homes.
I was near my home, i just ran to my room immediately when i came home.
No one was home it was perfectly safe.
But i kept on crying at my room.
I mean i know I shouldn't make a big deal about a crush. But for me he wasn't just a crush. You may not understand, but i never loved someone this much!
And i was gonna confess, but hearing what he says is gonna stop me from doing what i wanted to do.
I text mimi my typical girl problem.
Seriously before I wasn't this much of a crybaby because of a guy. You know i blame puberty for making me like this, even though if it's normal.
Anyways Mimi tried to comfort me and this makes me not want to go to school tomorrow. I just listen to music as i fell asleep while crying.

Hoi thanks for reading my book!
These are based on problems I encountered in real life! And ye
Sorry if it's not interesting! And sorry for the confusing intro to this story
I don't rlly know how to start a story
Oh i may not upload the second chalter yet, since there are no views, but if u r reading this there are probably more people reading it

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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