Chapter 6: AM Vogue

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I slowly opened my eyes as I realized that the two strong arms that held me all night were no longer draped around my waist, finding only Lacey in Chandler's place. I sit up, worried, squinting as I try to see past the sun filtering through the blinds. I stumbled my way to the bathroom to make myself presentable before following the sent of brewing coffee downstairs. My hair thrown up in a messy bun, eyes puffy and red from my lack of sleep and crying: Nothing Chandler hasn't seen before. 

Half dragging myself to the kitchen, Chandler scoops me up in his arms and spins me around. 2 cups of coffee perfectly placed on the counter. 

"Good Morning Love," he says with a sweet smile grinning down at me. In all of his shirtless glory its hard to not smile back. 

I kiss him lightly on the lips, " Good Morning Babe. Thanks for being so sweet last night," I trail off...

He quickly responds, "Anything for my favorite girl," followed by a kiss on the forehead.

We quickly untangle from each other as we hear Piper bust through the front door, key in hand like a battering ram, "ASPEN SLOANE WE HAVE SO MUCH WORK AND BIG BIG NEWS SWEETIE!" Her voice echoes through the house.

"And to who do I owe the lovely wake up call to?" I say laughing.


I look from her to Chandler then back to Piper, "You're kidding."

Piper turns her iPad towards me at the same time Chandler hands me his phone. His phone has screenshot after screenshot of headlines, every one about me- America's Sweetheart, Aspen Sloane takes over with "Obsessed," Can We Expect A New Aspen Sloane Single Soon?, Chandler and Aspen- Hollywood's most dynamic duo, Aspen Sloane LA's It-Girl. All of my dreams, coming true overnight, AGAIN. 

"18 Million views on the video. 90 million streams. #ObsessedVideo is #1 trending on Twitter. You have more mentions than Blake Lively during the entirety of Gossip Girl. More fanfic written about you and Chandler than the boys of one direction. You have broke records, my little popstar, and it's only up from here," Piper smiles, reciting it like she had been watching the charts climb all night.

Chandler picks me up and spins me around, again ironically. But this time Piper gets a picture, which she automatically edits and posts on my account.

@aspensloane celebrating cause we have a VOGUE cover shoot today... and because of morning sex ;)

            @chandlerevans   definitely excited babe <3


Chandler wraps his arms around my waist and starts stroking my hair to try to get me calm as Piper laughs. He whispers in my ear, "Doesn't mean that won't be the story tomorrow," sending chills down my spine. I playfully smack him on the arm and then turn around and give him a kiss. 

Piper claps, making us break apart, grabbing our attention, " Now THAT'S the kind of chemistry I wanna see in today's shoot. Now let's go so we can have you guys on the cover of VOGUE across the nation by the end of this week."

We look at each other and run upstairs so I can put on dressy sweats and Chandler can put on a shirt and joggers before I grab my purse and my keys and we're on our way to the first day of my modeling career. 


Hey babes! I know it's been a while and this was super short, but I needed to post something and my updating schedule is practically nonexistent but I'll (try to) fix it. But anyways, it's been so long because I was away this summer and couldn't write for a month, and then school started and #JuniorYear is kicking my a$$ with all my college classes so yay for my shitty updating schedule. ANYWAYS, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH I'M RANKED! #545 IN FIRST BOOK, along with 3 others! I'm so impressed with how little reads how much impact this book is having. KEEP READING AND I'LL KEEP WRITING! I have SO SO SO SO SOOOO much love for you all. Also check out my fanfic about Zach Herron from Why Don't We if you like my style, and watch out for more stories coming soon- one about a New York Fashionista, One about a friday night football game, and one about Daniel Seavey, also from Why Dont We. 

xoxo, The Queen of Hearts, Luxe_Kisses

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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