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A/N: Hey, well, this is my first story, so i hope you all like it! (if anyone actually reads this) :P This is a fan fiction including one direction, thanks a whole bunch if you do end up reading it. :)



It was early one morning, and i was walking towards a little cafe at the end of my block. I had just moved to London a month ago, and i was slowly getting accustomed to all the local spots. This, i decided would be my new morning routine, a cup of tea before i headed off to my first class at the University i attended.

I headed into the little shop, and looked up at the little menu right above the cashier, and ordered a cup of yorkshire tea with milk, no sugar. I heard a soft chuckle behind me, but i didn't care enough to turn around. I had a lot on my mind at the moment. As i stepped out of the line, a young man, probably around my age, ordered the exact same thing as me. He had bright green, blue eyes, and brown hair that looked casually tousled, which gave him a sort of carefree, yet put together look.  He stood there, smiling at me, and i had to admit, he was awfully cute! I smiled back politly, and turned to pay for my tea.

As i fished into my bag to pull out my money, I realized that I had left my wallet at home, I was about to explain this to the cashier, when the mysterious boy turned, flashed a smile at me, and said, "Don't worry, this ones on me," and paid for my tea.

Normally, i wouldn't be very comfortable with letting others pay for me, especially very cute strangers whom I didn't know. But something, probably the fact that I was already late, held me back from refusing his offer.

I waited until he got his drink, so that I could thank him. "Thank you, that was really nice of you, but you didn't have to do that."

"No worries,  my name is Louis, Louis Tomlinson. I don't think i've seen you around before, have you just moved here?" He smiled at me, and i couldn't help but notice that he had a great smile that made his eyes twinkle mischievously.

"Nice to meet you Louis, I'm Hailey. yup, I just moved to London from Canada, i got a scholarship to a university here... speaking of which, i'm late for my first class." I said, glancing down at my wristwatch.

"Thanks again for the tea, i'm sure i'll see you around soon enough!" I called over my shoulder as I ran out of the store without bothering to wait for his reply. I flashed a quick smile in his direction as i was pushing through the door, and saw him smile back. Little did i know, that our paths would cross again, sooner rather than later.

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