All Bad Stories Come With A Fight

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I take a deep breath looking around at my new surroundings ill call "school" now. This was bad. Over bad. I felt my heart race slightlt above its usual speed, cause my wrist to twitch. I look around at the different numbers labeled above each door, attempting to find my homeroom withiut running into another student.

Middle school was rough. Theres not really another word to explain it. Kids have gotten meaner, knowing how to mess with other's lives pretty early. Its all about control now. Not control over yourself, but control over others. You want them to crumble, bend to your will before you inevitably throw them away, like the garbage you originally thought they were.

People have no sensitivity now. It used to be smiles. Smiles and construction blocks. It used to be about empathy and understanding one another. But did we really understand each other in the first place? Or did we assume we did? There is no right answer.

I see a label naming class 208, and I instantly walk in. I look around at the different papers and students lying around. First period hasn't even statted yet, and already no one gives a fuck about how theyre presented.

There are a group of boys joined with two girls on one side of the room, and theyre all chatting away and giggling to each other. I notice one of the boys seem to not be participating as much, keeping his head down, or looking at his phone. I chewed the inside of my cheek before looking at the other side of the room.

This side seemed to be more of the "popular" social group. It included a mixture of genders and race, but the way that they were sitting in the tables, legs draped wherever they could told me that they would cause more problems than most.

I find that the row of chairs behind the first group is empty, and right near the back where no one can see me. I quietly walk towards them, not hesitating to sit down and place my drawing book on the table.

I was less known than most. People scared me. Society scared me. I find that compared to what my mother had told me about how cruel kids her age was when she was in highschool, this was a more laid back type of setting. Still filled with backstabbers and highroaders, but people havnt gone to find their fights yet. They havnt found their sense of useless bickering already, which somewhat calms me. Its their life, and how they choose to do things is okay, but then we go back to compassion and empathy.

Humans are tricky.

Once I sat down, I grabbed my phone and checked my messages. I had gotten 2 missed calls and a text from my dad (who was probably wondering if I had cleaned my room before I left the house) and scoffed. I gave him my number for emergencies and things like that. Its no secret I hate my dad. He still lives with me and my mum, but god I hate him. Im not talking agout the usual 'he grounded me for being on my phone to long and didnt clean.' No. He yells at me for literally brething while hes talking to me.

I cant stand him.

Before I knew it, I heard the bell ring, and the some of the students in the room walked out, leaving the remainder of us to stay. A few of the group in front of me left with smiles and giggles, while people on the other side of the room said goodbye, with some flipping each other off. I never understood why you would flip off your friend as a goodbye. But they did it anyway.

I kept my head down looking at my phone which was off. I didnt dare look up in fear of making eye contact with another person until the teacher walked in with a "hello class." He instantly sat down at his desk and we all kept quiet, listening as he attempted to pronounce our names.

"Skylar Ash?"

"Here sir."

"Mahli Coombs?"


"Chris.... Cheis Hein...."

"Chris Heinest, here."

"Ashlei Knight?"

I somewhat freeze. I forgot that they go off the alphabetical order on the last name instead of the first.

"Is Ashlei Knight here?"

"S-sorry, here!" I stutter out. The teacher gives me a confused look before gojng back to the roll. I look around as each name is called out, pairing each name to each person.

"Coben Laine?"

I look at the boy who had his head down before as he barely lifted his head to his name and called out a quiet "yeah, here. " He straightened his posture and sat up, looking around at his friends now. They all giggled as the teacher finished the roll and looked at the class.

"So, hello class. I'm Mr Wood and I am your teacher this year." He introduced with a smile. "Now, this week your first and second lessons have been cancelled as the school believes that you should spend time getting to know each other."

I raised my eyebrow at the teacher as he looked away. Havnt a lot of us known each other since preschool?

"Now, I suggest we start with some basic things. State your name, hobbies and one of your favourite songs." He explained.

"Um, sir, what does favourite song have to do with getting to know each other?" A girl in front of me asked. Mr Wood simply shrugged before pointing at me.

"You, girl in the back."

I froze. Completely. Already, twice have I just frozen to the spot. This should be easy. Simple!

"Excuse me? Girl in the back, whats your name?"

I took in a breath, hesitating once more for a second. "A-Ashlei. Ashlei Knight." I took in another breath before going again. "I like drawing and reading... I guess my favourite song is 'Welcome To The Black Parade?'" I said before shrinking back in my seat. Small snickers came from around the room and I looked down into my lap.

"Well thank you Miss Knight. Now uhh.. you." He pointed to a girl on the other side of the room. I decided to stay quiet, looking up for a quick second.

Coben seemed to be staring at me.

We made brief eye contact before I looked back down, grabbing my headphones out and plugging them into my phone. I turned on a playlist and cancelled out all noises around me.

1094 Words

Hi! So this is my first story ever. Im a very shy writer so some constructive criticism would be appreciated! Thanks 💜💙

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