2:00 PM

15 1 0

"Ponder upon this, if the world didn't have math, " Mr. Miller says, "life would be structured the way it would be today, and also the cellular devices you use today, would never would have existed as well! We could be cavemen and women if it weren't for math!"

Fact: I am in Calculus right now.

Involuntarily, my hand goes up, I'm not sure how it got there, but it is.

Fact: I like math.

Another Fact: I'm the smartest person in my math class. But if you ask anyone else, they will determine this is an opinion.

Sometimes Mr.Miller ignores me, because "I tend to get the class off topic."  But I guess he was in a good mood today. He makes a few clicks in the powerpoint, and nods his head at me, "Yes Amy, you have a question?"

I shake my head, "No, I have a statement to make regarding what you said."

Mr.Miller and a few other students look at me curiously, then Mr.Miller says, "Well, what is it?"

"Mathematics or Math is a field of study, meaning that if it didn't exist, it's because humans haven't evolved enough to compile enough knowledge in that area. However, Mathematics exist whether we acknowledge it or not. It is a system of logic; it is not the numbers or the various operational signs. One plus One is always equal to 2, and this will always be true no matter the place, culture, time or dimensions."

Fact: It was completely silent. 

Mr.Miller straightens up and crosses his arm, "Yes this could also be true. What is the point you are trying to get across?"

I cleared my throat continuing, "So then, maybe if you consider what you said before, if math didn't exist, we wouldn't be sitting here right now. There won't even be a math class, there wouldn't even be school."

Fact: Most of the class were either conversing or listening to what I was saying, and a small group was laughing.

"Keep it down, everyone." Mr.Miller walks out from behind his desk. "That's enough." He looks at me, a small smile on his face.  "Thank you, Amy."

I return the smile back and take a quick look at Chase, his head down, typing away on his cellphone.

I sigh, looking away. I turn around, my bestfriend Morgan, sits behind me.

"Was that too much? I probably shouldn't have said anything." I ask quietly.

Morgan eyes me for a moment before he breaks out into a grin, "Perfect, really. You're smart, like really smart," he noticed my pointed look at him, "like Harvard type smart, so why not share your ideas with the rest of the world."

He patted my head adoringly, "Besides smart is the new sexy."

"You're just saying that because you're my best friend." I grumbled swatting his hand away.

"Hey! Not true." He exclaimed, lightly shoving my shoulder.

I smiled in return, turning back around. I caught Chases' eye on me, and when he noticed me looking he looked away, he returned back to his phone.

I sighed again.

45 minutes.

45 minutes until I ask him out.


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