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-Johnny please...It'll be so much fun!Granny will take you to that cool playground!-Miles said,faking excitment but Johnny just mumbled a 'no' into his neck.

He needed to go to a studio to record a song and he couldn't take his kid.Last time Johnny broke a really expensive stereo system and spilled his apple juice on a keyboard.

Miles sighed and put him down,squatting down in front of him.

-Baby,I'll finish really soon and get you,but until that you'll need to go to granny's.

-But I don't wanna.She is old and tells ya're a prick.What does tha' mean?

-Nothing,but don't say it,only old woman say it,cool kids never!

Johnny nodded,understanding it completely.

-So...only a few hours...you'll barely get to the playground and then I'll be back!

They were in front of their house but Johnny wasn't willing to get into the car,knowing that he'll need to go to his granny who he only met rarely and didn't really get close to...

He was wearing a small bear-shaped backpack with all the necessary things in it and holding his favourite car in his hand and now that his dad didn't seem to get him he started to protest in another way.Crying.And hugging Miles.

-I-I want teh go wif ya...-he cried,clinging harder and Miles felt his heart flench.

-You can't puppet...You sure there isn't anything else you want?You wanted to visit the playground all day...granny could take you...or maybe you could go to play with Blake?You want me to call his mum?

Johnny just shook his head again but then got an idea.He leaned back and started to fidget with his toy,still sobbing and Miles felt terrible for leaving him again.

-C-Can't I stay wif Alex?-he asked looking up with his best puppy-eyes.


Alex was teaching a relatively big class when his phone started to ring.Embarassing.

-Excuse me...-he mumbled but when he saw Miles' name on the screen his heart missed a beat.Maybe he could pick up...as he was thinking the bell suddenly ended his struggles.-Well,you're free to go then,try to read the book by Wednesday...

And the he accepted the call,sitting down to his desk.


-Alex!Thank god you answered...-the other sighed,sounding a lot nervous again.-Um...What I'm going to ask will sound really strange and impolite and I know it's a huge favour but...maybe...I'm begging you...could you please look after Johnny for some hours?Please...Believe me I've tried everything but he wants to stay with you...

Alex was stunned.Johnny wanted to stay with him...how adorable!But he was working.

-Um...I'm really sorry but I can't leave now...I have one more class so maybe an hour later I could but-

-Can't you just...tuck him into a class or somewhere he won't make a sound I promise...-Miles sounded really desperate.

-Umm maybe he could sit down somewhere while I'm teaching I've seen other teachers doing it but...it's a university I'm not sure especially since he's not...my relative...

-I totally understand...I can't believe I asked you...I'll tell him to stay with my mum...-Alex remembered how scared Johnny got last time when Miles left him there...

-No,don't.Just bring him here to the Uni and he'll stay with me.Only one class after all...I bet he won't cause any trouble.

-Thank you!Really!Thankyouthankyouthankyou!

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