Chapter 3

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When we go out for parties, I get really excited because I get to break into my very small selection of fancy clothing. I went into my closet with high hopes, looking through dress after dress. Since it was Valentine's Day, I tried to find something red or pink just for the sake of it. When my wish wasn't granted, I settled for a strapless, form fitting, sheer dark green cocktail dress.

The majority of my dresses weren't actually mine, I stole them from my mother. She didn't use them, nor deserve to use them, so I just took them. Luckily, we were the same size. I thanked god for such a fortunate thing, then made silent decisions on how I would look besides the outfit I was wearing. I walked in to my bathroom, wanting to curl my hair. Surprisingly, this time I didn't burn myself and I looked alright. Good, I actually look like a human being, I thought to myself.

After slipping on black heels and grabbing a hand bag, I texted Kyle to let him know I was ready. He was driving this time, in a fancy convertible his parents got him for his sixteenth birthday. We figured it would be nice to show up in style. After waiting a few minutes, I saw the bright lights of the car waiting in my driveway.

I quickly tucked Lizbeth in to bed, making sure that she completed her homework for Monday. Walking to the car, I felt a certain confidence that I hadn't felt before. It made me feel unstoppable, unbreakable. And it was quite possibly one of the best feelings in the world. I was going to a place where the only people that would know me are Kyle, River, and Anna Marie. No one would think of me as pathetic or pitiful, I would just be a regular person. A regular person, that's all I wanted to be.

"River's meeting us at the front of her neighborhood." Kyle interrupted my thoughts as I slipped in to the passenger's seat. I noticed that he was wearing a white button up with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. He paired it with a nice pair of long khakis.

"Wow, not even a 'hello'? Not even a 'Quinn you look super mega sexy' or something?" I teased him, faking being emotionally hurt.

"Well, if I said that, then I'd be lying." Kyle said, his bright blue eyes glimmering with playfulness. I frowned, only half joking this time. Of all people that would tell me I looked okay, it would be him. He had a thing for always making girls feel good about themselves. "You do, however, look very classy and stunning." He added with a smile.

I smiled back, trying to hold back my inevitable blushing. When Kyle noticed, he pinched my cheek and laughed. Despite my response of sighing and rolling my eyes, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed Kyle's crazy company. "We should probably get going." I commented. "Angel's waiting for us."

"Right." He said, and turned his head back to focus. With a lively hum, the car started smoothly and beautifully. I was very envious, my green pickup had nothing on his silver convertible. We sped off, surrounded by a blanket of stars.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the front of River's neighborhood. She stood at the entrance sheepishly, I knew she wasn't too happy. Contrasting her gloomy face, her outfit was extraordinary and super cute. She wore a pastel pink fitted t-shirt, a dark red skirt, and red wedges. However, what was really outstanding was her white tights with little, bright red hearts all over them. She looked more adorable than humanly possible, though she tried not to let it show.

When the car came to a stop, I rolled down my window and waved at River. She let out a small smile, then slipped in to the car seat behind me. "Well isn't someone looking extra cute today? Keep in mind you do have a boyfriend." I told River.

"I know, I just wanted to look cute for Valentine's Day." River responded in her regularly high pitched, innocent voice. "The tights are a nice touch, don't ya think?"

 "They are probably the cutest thing I've ever seen." Kyle commented while beginning to drive again. "Literally, I don't know how I haven't died already from cuteness overload or something, no thanks to you two."

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