How it happened

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This is a dan x reader I mad ages ago lol
My best friend and his brother
In the morning, I was woken by my best friend shaking me and saying my name over repeatedly until I opened my eyes. It was Adirin, we have lived together for a long time now and so I was used to seeing his face when I woke up. I was still trying to get my brain into gear because I hardly know how to talk in the morning "mmhhhhh?" I said rolling over to check my phone "What?" I heard Adirin said sounding very confused by the mumble I let out. I ignored him for a moment while I checked my phone "Its only 7:00 why did you wake me up?" I asked him sounding probably very cross as I'm not a morning person "Well I have something to tell you and it's about time I say it..." He said leavening it free for me to say anything at all so I said "Can't it wait? I'm doing something important... sleeping!" ... well what do you expect? It was early! "No! It can't wait! You'll see him today!" He said crossly "Him? Who's he?" I asked puzzled "Right I've got to tell you something you didn't already know about me-" I chipped in "What is it?" I sounded very desperate to know and so he answered by saying "I have a brother-" I was shocked that he had never told me and I was also pretty angry "Why have you never told me this?" I said trying to keep calm but couldn't help but shout "I'm just embarrassed by him that's why I never talk about him..." there was silence for probably a minute or so until he broke it by saying "I've arranged for you to go see him today! If you want to go..." I was a bit nervous but I soon said "Sure! I'll go!" I said then signalling for him to leave. He then gave a confused look and so I said "Well I've got to look good when I'm meeting someone new! I want to make a good first impression!" He than laughed and as he grabbed the handle of the door I interrupted him by saying"When are we going? And where?" He then replied by saying"we will meet him and his best friend at the costa just down the road at 9:00 so you have plenty of time to get ready as it is now..." He pulled out his phone from his back pocket and read the time it said "7:10" he said I nodded as he walked out the room and when he shut the door I rushed around first of I put the shower on leave if enough time for the shower to warm up I got the towel and picked something casual out and then I brought the towel into the unsweet and jumped in the shower. While in the shower I started to plan my first speech although this was hard as I didn't know the guys name or how old he was and I hoped and prayed he was twenty-six as I wanted him to be the same age as me. Not that I cared I just wanted to know someone the same age as me. Once I got out of the shower I dried myself with my towel then sat down on my bed with the towel wrapped around me and I used the hair dryer to dry my hair. Each time I held the hair dryer I remembered the prank that Dan pulled on Phil when he put flour in it. I smiled at this then I turned it on and once I was dry I went to put on my clothes (black torn shorts and a top without shoulders and long arms but sort of a belly-top) I then put on some dark makeup and then looked at myself in the mirror and found something I've never showed anyone. I looked at the scars on my leg of where I used to cut and then thought to myself that I needed to change so I got into black ripped jeans and hoped that no one would see any scars. After that, I put on my gold necklace with cat whiskers on and went downstairs to see what Adirin thought of it. When I got downstairs I came in to sit next to him and ask what he thought of it he said "You look beautiful and I'm sure that my brother will think that to," He said as I felt my cheeks start to blush. I then heard a ping as my phone lit up on the table we both saw it and I grabbed my phone and screamed "DANS UPLOADED! SEE YA" I ran to my bedroom and I heard Adirin laugh at my excitement and I closed my bedroom door to watch it. As I watched it I noticed something he said was odd but maybe it was just a coincidence he said "I'll be meeting my brothers best friend today at 9:00" I thought nothing of this until he said "at Costa" that's when I flipped out although I tried to think it was just a coincidence until he said something that absolutely killed me inside "He said her name was Michelle or something?" I was so excited he just said my name! I didn't believe it was true so I tried not to get my hopes up but it was obviously me! I then heard Adirin shout up to me and say that it was time to go so I quickly put some perfume on and darted downstairs. I was so excited to see his brother and just hoped that it would be Dan as I was a big fan of his and he was also the same age as me. I got my heels on Adirin pulled me out the door holding my hand as he locked the door behind us and we set off at a normal pace up to the Costa. As we were walking my heart was beating so fast but I decided to ignore it and ask "What's your brother's name?" I saw him draw his attention to me and say "You'll know him when you see him," This made me curious. I still wanted him to tell me as I don't like surprises and especially not one this big as I wanted to introduce myself first. We walked in the door and I scanned the room and when my eyes met Dan's I fell to the ground and lost consciousness I was that excited. I opened my eyes to see Dan, Phil and Adarin all wearing terrified faces as they looked down at me. My eyes suddenly widened as I looked at Dan he was much sexier in real life I then felt two arms wrap around my waist very tight they pulled me up till I was standing I then realised they were Dan's soft warm hands against my waist and my heart was beating faster than what should be humanly possible. As my feet were placed back to the floor me and Dan looked at each other for a while until Phil interrupted by clearing his throat and we both broke apart and I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck. We then went to the table together where we were all sat in order from Adirin then me then Dan then Phil. Most of the time I looked down at my legs to avoid awkwardly looking at someone which was bound to happen as I was clumsy as it gets. I wasn't paying attention to what they were talking about just what was going on in my head well that was until Dan nudged me and said "You're quiet," and tried to get me to get involved with what they were saying but the one thing is I didn't know what to say. I need to say something soon. Come on just say something you idiot "S-Sorry I'm just a little shy t-that's all," oh great you sounded really confident didn't you. Ughhh! Why do you have to be so shy? You idiot! "You have nothing to be shy about! You are a beautiful woman! You should know that!" I felt my cheeks light up as no one has ever said something so nice to me."t-thanks," I replied shyly I then felt him place his hand on mine. I then saw Adirin look at Dan and sigh "You always take everything from me you know that right! You know what Michelle you can stay round as Dan's house tonight!" He said seeming angry at Dan "But I don't want you to be alone-" He then interrupted me "Don't worry about it! I'll just bring my girlfriend over," I then gave him a angry face and asked "Girlfriend?" In a mean tone and before he could answer I pushed him off the chair and "Go on then see you later also could you pack my stuff please and drop them off at Dan and Phil's then!" I said to him as he got up "Fine but I'm packing everything because you won't be coming back!" He snapped at me and stormed out of the room "Wait! So I will be staying with you two from now on?" I asked them. Phil replied to me "I guess so!" Me and Dan were both staring into space then slowly turned to face each other both of our eyes were interlocked. I took in his chocolate brown eyes and relaxed my muscles I suddenly felt safe. But why? All I was doing was looking at his eyes and I just felt comfortable confident even. I then noticed I was probably staring for way to long as when I looked down I saw he was holding my hands and we were so close to each other it was to late to back away now. We were then interrupted by Phil swiping his hand up and down in the gap between me and Dan. Thank you Phil otherwise that would have been very awkward "so what do you want to eat or drink?" Phil asked and I answered "Just umm... A caramel latte please! And you Dan?" Dan I think was daydreaming but he did answer he said "I will have the same please,"

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