Part 2

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Morning had passed rather quickly and I decided to get ready for the day. I dressed down, for comfort. Meaning all black with a few white accents. I brushed my brown hair only to cover it with a black beanie.

"Yoongi-hyung?" Hoseok called, "I forgot to ask you earlier what I actually called you out for-"

"Give me a second." I quickly slipped on my black and white converse and came out of my bedroom. "What was it you needed?"

"Would you mind grabbing a couple of things from the market for me?" Hoseok pulled out a small list of 3 items, "I wanted to make a nice dinner tonight and I knew you had plans to go out already, So I figured you wouldn't mind. Do you?"

"No problem."

I took the short list and placed it in my pocket as not to lose it. "Alright well... I'm out of here. I'll see you later."

"Thank you!"


There are plenty of trails to walk on here, but they're hidden rather well. The only reason I know about them is because of the fairy boy. I walk down these trails everyday in hopes of seeing him again.

The trees were thick and bountiful, hiding the trail very well. As I snuck in, I made sure nobody else saw me disappear into them. I wanted this to be my secret spot. If I see him again, I want it to be private.

Slowly I strode down the trail, breathing in the crisp morning air. Dew sparkled off the leaves of bushes and thicket, it reminded me of him...again. But at this point, what doesn't? I stared at my feet, one step, two step, slowly. I heard crunching behind me.

My chest became tight. Was somebody behind me? Was an animal going to attack me? The crunching didn't sound like mine. I spun around quickly to peer around.


Was I going crazy? I searched the trees yet I saw nothing. Branches moved in the gentle breeze. Maybe I was paranoid. 

Pushing through outstretched limbs of trees, I hopped over the small stream which divided the trail in two. This was where I first spoke to him.


I remember it just like yesterday. He lead me back here to show me the small river. He smiled at me and pointed to the clear water washing over large rocks.

"Isn't it pretty?" His small voice trailed, his lips hanging onto every word longingly.

"Y-Yes it is..." I had been gazing at him. The way his plump lips attempted a pout with each word, the way his eyes smiled on their own. It was all beautiful. There wasn't a single flaw to this boy. It was amazing.

"It's my favorite. I come here a lot, solely to listen to the waves crash and clear my mind. It makes me feel at peace," He smiled at me, "You should come here when you're stressed or feeling low. I promise it will make you feel better." His rose dusted cheeks rounded with his grin as our eyes met.


Fairy Boy - YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now