4: first date!11!!1

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Trump's white van pulled to a stop and Jake and him got out. They were both vry excited for their first date.

"After u," Jake said, letting trump get out before him.

"OHMGOSH UR SUCH A GENTLEMAN." Trump yelled at his beautiful date.

They held hands as they walked into the McDonald's. Some ppl started staring at them but they didn't care bc luv was too strong.

"UMM EXCUSE ME!3!3?3!!!!!" Jake yelled at the lady taking their order. "I WANT 3 BIG MACS AND APPLE JUICE."

Trump blushed at how good Jake was at ordering. It was hot.

"AND I WANT 10.2848584294 BIG MACS PLZ." Said trump.

They were about to pay but then they realized they r both celebrities and can get stuff 4 free.

As they 8 their food, Jake and trump stared into each others eyes.

Jake couldn't believe he was on a date with the most beautiful man evr.

"I WANNA PLAY IN THE PLAYGROUND!1!)&3!!!!!" Trump suddenly said.

"Oki!!!!!!!" Said Jake.

As they went to the play ground, kids started running out scared. Trump wondered why.

"OH!" Trump thought out loud, "THEYRE PROBABLY SCARED OF HOW RICH I AM!" He Said, taking a whole penny out of his pocket.

When they got on the slide, Jake and trump started making out again. They are just so in luv.

"WOOSSHHHHHH." Said Jake. "U GOOD AT KISS!!!!!1!1!1"

That made trumps face light up like a nuclear bomb.

"SO R WE OFFICIAL??????" Said trump.

"YAASSSSS!?!22!-!" Said Jake. He sort of sounded like a FANGIRL again.

"GR9! UR MY BOYFRIEND NOW!1!1!3!4!4!2)" yelled trump.

they hardcore made out for another ten minutes until they accidentally slid Down the slide.

"IM GONNA SUE THE SLIDE!1!1" yelled trump.

Trump was just so happy. He found luv and another thing to sue.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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