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I found myself staring at her in the reflection in the mirror, her back was towards me.. She turned slightly and gave me a weak smile.. I can't help but wonder why does she put up with this..

"Dan coffee?" Her voice was soft & quietly spoken

"Yeah please..." Staring in the mirror for few seconds before making my way back down.

"You'll have to stay.." I heard her call as I reached the last step

"Why that's?"

"Snowing... Look.." a slight childish grin appeared

"I'll walk"

"Stay.." She demanded as she carried on with the drinks hitting the spoon against the side.

"It might stop..." I replied as she turned to face me holding a mug out straight infront of her..

"Thanks..." Then her phone rung.. quickly hurried to answer it while studying her photos on the fire place & wall which were all in mismatch photo frames. I could hear her voice was getting more quiet.. I noticed a black and white photo and yes it was beautiful but I saw a different story it was telling.. The sound of her footsteps were coming closer...

"How are your mum & dad?" Clocking a photo that I had fond memories of

"Yeah good they are thinking of selling the farm.."

"Your kidding? Why?"

"Dads.... Dads umm not been Wellest & I have only so many hours I can help him with it.."

"Can't he employ staff?"

"What with all the floods? He can't afford too... With the feeds going up because farmers having up the pricing for less quantity. It's impossible"

"Ahhh... Yeah I didn't think... Umm what about Andy?" She sat crossed legged on the sofa

"Andy.. He works in London now so he only has the weekends and he spends that mostly in London with his girl friend or friends.. I ask him to come back every weekend"

She looked out the windows while the snow fell

"And you can't be doing extra hours before & after work and weekends.. Have you told him"

"You dunno I've been doing that!"

"I know you don't I?"

"I'm fine.." She dismissed me

"Really because so far I don't believe you!"

She shrugged her shoulders and sipped her mug

"Look I gotta go.."

"Thought you were going to stay?"

"Nah I'll walk it... Look umm you know you can call me right?"

"I know.. I'm fine"

I left swiftly and walked back in the snow falling fast & quickly.

The birds were chirping and the sun shining, it was hard to believe the amount ofsnow last night because the sun shine now.. Beautiful crisp morning.. I grabbed some spare clothes and hopped in my car to get on the road..

Dan pulled up to the wooden gates which were open and drive down the cobbled driveway toward the big old farm house which looked run down and in need of a good lack of paint.. Even abit of landscaping .. a couple of fences to do with looking at but the front door was still that royal blue colour as it was years ago with the cream steps..

It was peaceful as He stepped out and headed to the front door....

"HELLO.... " I steeped off the first step and saw Mrs Bradley walking around the corner off the house wearing a apron & gardening gloves..

"Mrs B..."

"Daniel is that you?" She gasped

"Yes Mrs B.." She smiled and took off the gloves as she approached me

"Daniel how are you? Didn't realise you were back home?" She hugged me tight

"I'm good Mrs B.. You and Mr B?"

"he's in the back.. So your home?"

"Yeah for awhile... Good to be home.. You miss home when your away for so long"

"Yes yes... Look come I've made fresh coffee this morning come see Bob"

"Farm house hasn't changed"

"No it's hasn't.. Does your mum know your home?"

"Yeah.. So Mrs B what's the gossip?"

"Gossip?... Hmmm well Andy is in London working & living..."

"DANIEL... HELLO BOY" his smokers cough sounding voice

"Mr B how are you?"

"Good to see your face.. Sit boy sit..."

I sat down in the wooden old deck chair around a open fire pit as Mrs B disappeared into the house.

"So what brings you home?"

"Need to take a break and I miss home"

"For long?"

"I have no date to go back..."

"Nicole know your home?"

"She does.. She saw me last night"

"Ahhhh.... You know that boy of hers.. He's a nothing you know but I can't tell her"

"It's her decision Mr B"

"I know... I keep quiet boy I really do..."

"I was just saying the farm house hasn't changed.."

"It's getting old boy.. I'm getting old I cant do it all anymore.."

"Floods haven't helped I'm guessing"

"No made it worse and now look snow"

"Snow won't be here for long... How's Mrs B doing?"

"She's tired now.."

"Yeah can Andy not come home & help"

"No boy he has a career no time for the farm... I don't like asking.."

"Here you go.." mrs b appeared

I sipped the coffee as the aroma hitting my nose and I closed my eyes.

"Can I go for a walk?" I asked

"Yes go boy but I'll join you.." Mr B said slowly standing to his feet

"Here Mr B let me help you..." I gripped his wrist and pulled him up..

We didn't speak really untill we were out of sight and ear shot of Mrs B.

"You know Daniel I can't keep this a float anymore... I'm tired we both are tired"

"Can you not employ a younger person to do the heavy work?"

"Not really I tried but there so much to do they want more pay.. "

We walked and he showed me a few things and I noticed the old barn..

"Mr B have you still got Tracy?"


"Yes Sir?"

"Of course!" He smiled, I jogged over to the barn doors and opened just enough for us, pulled off the dust sheet..

"Here she is... Don't she work anymore?"

"No I tried to keep her going but couldn't... Hoped one day you'll be back"

"Mr B I'm always here you know.. Look at her..." I studied it and remember riding it about with Nicole, Andy & rob.

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