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I wake in eerie silence which fills the empty space; every tiny corner of the room. Alone, no other presence lurks in the shadows. Just me In the deadly silence with no one to turn to.

Everything is still, I feel cold and shiver though there is no air, no breeze. All I see and hear is darkness and my own small presence in the large open space. I push my weight off the ground, trying not to make a sound. I wander around, taking small, quiet steps into the unknown. What am I doing here? - I think to myself. I have no memory of earlier events; no idea of who I am or what I am. And then that's when I hear the sudden screech of metal plunging to the floor and the hopeless cry that calls my name.

"Em, Em!" My brother comes running, the door to my bedroom swings wide open on it's hinges.

"A dream. Oh God a dream." I sigh, my palms filled with sweat and my hair in tangles. I hardly even noticed his presence in the room until now.

"A dream."

"I thought something had happened." He says, with the same distressed expression on his face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I fake a smile to reassure him. "Like I said, Ky, a dream.".

"Well oh gosh look at the time! I'm going to be late!" I beam, trying to change the subject. I glance over at the old alarm clock that sits lonely on my bedside table, which I have inherited off my Great-Grandmother, or so I was told.

"'s 4AM." He laughs softly. "Oh this old thing." I say laughing.

"Are you sure you are okay, Emily?"

"Yes. Go, get some sleep. Sorry."

"Okay, sleep tight." He says, smiling once more and leaves the room.

I have been having the same recurring nightmare for weeks on. The same room, same silence, same deafening scream. Ky - my brother - has been very protective of me, since I have started waking him these past few days. He doesn't need to know about this; I don't intend on him finding out. But there was something about tonight, that felt unnerving and strange. Something different.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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