"Let's Ditch." ~Zion Kuwonu

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Leezza's P.O.V

This was really the worst night ever! I was sitting on the bleachers as I watched couples swaying to Perfect by Ed Sheeran. What a great way to spend prom.

I came here with my friends Emma and Mallory because we didn't have dates. I didn't want to come because as I expected, they were asked to dance. Now, here I am by myself. I just want to go home and change out of this tight dress. To make matters worse, my phone is dead. I just continue to scan the cheery atmosphere and study every detail from the decorations, flashing lights, and everyone's fancy attire.

All of the sudden, I'm snapped out of my focus when I hear a voice come from beside me.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing sitting on the bleachers on a night like this?" He says trying to talk over the music. I look over to see a guy with blonde dreads covered with a black beanie, dressed in a white button up and black pants. The strobe lights reflect off of his face and reveals his gorgeous smile.

"Um, long story short, I came here with my friends but they got asked to dance so I now am I'm left alone." I respond matter-of-factly.

"Well, you deserve an amazing prom and the night's not over yet. Would you like to ditch this place with me? Oh yeah, I'm Zion by the way." He says standing up and putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'm Leezza and yeah. I would love to be anywhere but here. Let's go." I say standing up and adjusting my dress. I grab my phone and walk with Zion to his car.

"So Zion, where are we running off to?" I inquire as I put on my seatbelt.

"You'll see, beautiful." He says smirking as he drives off out of the parking lot.

He turns on the radio and Morning by Marc E. Bassey fills the car, breaking the silence.

"Would you be there in the mornin', mornin', mornin', mornin'?

Would you stay here from the sunset to the sunrise?

When I open up both eyes..." Zion sings along.

"Oh my gosh! You sing so good!" I say looking at him with shock.

"Yeah, you could say that. I actually write songs with my friends and I do covers online." He responds glancing at me before looking back at the road.

"That's amazing!" I answer smiling as we pull into a parking lot and park.

"I hope that you like to roller skate because that's where we're at." Zion says turning off the engine and opening the driver door.

"I'm not very good at it but I'll do it." I say nervously while getting out of the car. I'm just relieved that I'm wearing a short dress. Can you imagine skating in a full-on ballgown? Zion walks in beside me and we get our skates. We get on the rink and immediately, I start to slip. Zion grabs my hand, helping me balance.

"It's okay. I got you. I won't let you fall." Zion tells me as we carefully skate side by side. After slipping every 30 seconds for what seemed like forever, I finally got the hang of it. I decided to speed up and I grabbed Zion's hand, pulling him along with me. I must've pulled him too unexpectedly because he lost his footing and fell, bringing me down with him. We landed right on top of each other.

"Are you okay?" I ask feeling guilty.

"Yeah. I'm alright." He confirms while standing up and then helping me do the same.

"I guess I literally fell for you." He says laughing at his own joke. I laugh with him as we call it night and exit the rink. Once we get back in the car, I thank Zion for everything.

"Zion, I just want to thank you for tonight. Thank for you bringing me here and helping me. Thank you for-" Before I can continue, he reaches over and gently presses his lips on mine. We look into each other eyes and then he hits me with one of those heartbreakingly gorgeous smiles. I can't help but to blush at this situation.

"Wow." I say softly as I rip my eyes away from his gaze.

"You're so beautiful." He repeats for the third time tonight, causing me to blush even more. It also doesn't help that I now this big goofy grin on my face. Tonight was way better than how it's was planned. I wouldn't have changed a single thing.

Written for: @jollykuwonu on Instagram

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