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my life is pretty much controlled by the society.

They decide what we think,eat,drink,do,and they decide who we love.When I turn sixteen, the society decides who I marry.For the rest of my life.

I only know one sixteen year old boy in the society and he's my best friend Ethan. He's like a brother to me.His brother married my friend Amy.

I'm not even sure if I want to get married.I'm sixteen for crying out loud.I'm a junior but I'm thinking about dropping out of school when the society finds me a husband.

I'm in the hallways of Marian high school and I realize I'm already late.I run to class.My school has 7 floors so I did alot of running. As I walk into the classroom, My math teacher turns around and looks at me."Late again Monica?" The teacher asked.

"Uhh yeah I overslept.." The teacher gives me a cold stare." No excuses! Sit down before I send you to detention! " the teacher yelled.I slowly walk to my desk.The school has very strict rules about when you get to class.I sit down.Ethan is two seats away from me.He smiles at me and I just wave at him.I have all of my classes with Ethan.The teacher passes out neon green papers.When she gives me a paper, I looked at it.It said, " GO TO GYM FOR MATCHING TEST" the school does this every year.We have to go to the gym to take a test so the society knows our personalities.The society knows everything.In this town,this is no such thing as secrets.The bell rang.I walk over to Ethan."Hey Ethan" I said. "Hey! Are you nervous about the test?" Ethan asked.Not really."No..why would you think that?" I asked.Ethan just smiled. I look at the clock."We should head to class." I said.Ethan nodded and held my hand.Alot of people think I'm dating Ethan but I'm not.Ethan is a nice guy but I don't have romantic feelings for him.We stopped at our lockers to get our homework and then someone yelled,"well well what do we have here?" I turn around.Ky.Ky is always picking on us."Leave us alone ky" Ethan said. Ky laughed and pushed Ethan."Stop Ky!" I is such a jerk.he's been this way since his parents died.I feel sorry for him but it makes me mad when he's like this.Ky laughs and leaves."are you okay?" I asked Ethan.Ethan nodded."I'm fine." He said.The second bell rang. We were going to be late for English class. Then the speakers turned on."Ethan Reyes please come to the office." The speakers said."you better head to the office." I told Ethan.Ethan hugged me."I'll see you later then." He said.He walks to the office. He never had to go to the office.I wonder why he has to now.A few hours later I go to the lunchroom. I looked for Ethan but I couldn't find him.Now I was worried. Ethan has been gone for hours.I see a teacher walk around the lunchroom.I walk over to her. "Excuse me,do you know what happened to Ethan Reyes?" I asked her.The teacher stared at me."Ethan Reyes? I think his mom had to take him home early." I'm not sure if she's telling the truth."okay..thanks " I walk away from her and sit down at a table.Then the speakers came back on,"Monica Markham please come to the office" Now I'm going to the office. What for?..Deep down I knew something was wrong.But what?

When I got the office I saw Ethan."Ethan? What's going on?" I asked.Ethan just shook his head.That is never a good sign. Suddenly a woman came in the office.She had dark brown hair and her blank black eyes looked mysterious. "Monica!! Its good to see you" we shook hands."I'm miss Scott." She said in a friendly tone."what's going on?" I asked.My hands were starting to sweat."Well..Miss Markham,I need to talk to private. " she looked at Ethan and he went outside the office. "Monica..I suppose you know that we choose who you marry.." After she said that,I knew she was a society official. "Yes I know that." I said.Where was she going with this? "Well I'm afraid i have bad news." Her friendly tone suddenly became a serious tone.I hear the tick-tocking of the clock.Matching up with my heart beat."What bad news?" I was nervous. She sighed. "Your info profile had a glitch.The computer paired you up with two boys.You have to make your own decision and choose which one to marry." She said.Wait..I got matched up with two boys?! I'm shocked but at the same time I'm glad I can freely choose."What are their names?" I asked.Mrs Scott takes something out of her desk.Its a picture of a boy.He's probably 16 like me."who is he?" I asked. "His name is Chris summer.He was your original match." He looks really cute.He has long blonde hair and his blue eyes really stood out. "ok..who is the my other match?" Mrs.scott grabs another picture and hands it to me.

When I saw who was in the picture, I could barely breathe.

It was Ethan.

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