How to be a Spy

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Peach and Rosie: what?

Daisy: BEFORE being a spy, we must all have the weapons, and clothes of them!

Peach: your joking, right?

Daisy: NOPE!

Rosalina: oh boy....

Daisy: guess who we invited?

Peach: can we invite two people?

Rosalina: that's up to the readers...

Three:*look at camera* 0_0

Daisy: anyways...the special guest Is....

Rosie and Peach: WHO?!!

Daisy: Midnight!

Midnight: YUP!

Rosalina: so, what do we need to be the spy?

Daisy: FIRST, me and Midnight will be creating NEW outfits! right?

Midnight: yeah!

*After creating*

Daisy: here's yours and here's yours... *passes*

Rosalina: who made mine? I feel wonderful!

Midnight: I did!


Daisy: that's because I made it, and then shrank it!

Peach: -_-

Midnight: moving on!

Daisy: well, now we need weapons that camouflage!

All: huh?

Daisy: you see this lip stick?


Daisy: it's not real lipstick, it's a laser!

Peach: Sure it is!!! *tries* AHH!!! I BURNED MY LIP!!! OWW!!!

Daisy: TOLD YOU SO! and see this hair dryer? it's actually a gun!

Rosalina: interesting...


Daisy: and you see these sunglasses? they can actually record everything that's going on!

Rosalina: yeah yeah yeah, what else?

Midnight: there are way too many items...from example, makeup is actually the poison...

All: 0_0

Daisy: and now for the finally!

Everyone: *poses*

Midnight: Woohoo!!

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