Shape Of You (Part 1)

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     Fridays invoke different reactions from different people. Some would work harder, feeling giddy to start the weekend while others would just laze around waiting for the moment they can clock out and finally enjoy their life. Anyway, it is always the weekend that console the fatigue and stress, a boost before you can start again the next Monday.

     Hyunwoo watched as his colleagues linger around the pantry sipping on their drinks, waiting for the clock to strike 6. The team just nailed a big project and thus everyone is taking things slow; rewarding themselves with a slow-paced routine before starting on the project next week. A very common sight; a culture the team has built along the way. He is not sure whether the positive culture or the kind people that makes him stays in the company but Hyunwoo just love his life now. Everything just fall into pieces, making perfect sense. It felt like it was just yesterday he felt so useless due to 8 months of unemployment after graduating from university; living everyday like a nightmare.

     "Hyunwoo! You okay?" A tap on his shoulder brought him back to reality. He has been carried away by his own thought only to realise the office is now empty.

     "Yeah, yeah. I was just thinking... I got carried away. Why are you here Hoseok?" He and Hoseok were university friends that miraculously got accepted into the same company. They work in different department but still, it is really consoling to have your bestfriend working with you, being able to rely on one another.

     "Why? Why you think I am here? Ouh bro.... you forgot. Yeah, of course, like you ever remember."

     "What? Oh, is it today?" Hyunwoo just remembered that they are having dinner with Hoseok's new friends.

     "Man, if I did not come down here you would just leave my ass behind and went home right? Just hurry. I am STARVING." Hoseok flipped his coat towards Hyunwoo's face and walked away towards the elevator.

     "I'll pay for the taxi so quit sulking, for God sake you are too huge to act like a child." Hyunwoo hurriedly grabbed his belongings and walked mockingly towards Hoseok.

     "I AM NOT ACTING LIKE A CHILD CAN YOU JUST HURRY COS MY FRIENDS ARE ALREADY THERE WAITING FOR US." The elevator arrived and Hoseok walked in. Feeling playful, he decided to leave Hyunwoo behind and rode the elevator alone.

     The trip to the restaurant was fun, the two friends feeling good and playful. There, they met Jooheon and Changkyun, younger friends Hoseok made while he attended a gig few months ago. Despite being in the workforce, both Hyunwoo and Hoseok are rather talented. Hyunwoo used to dance for his school and university and he is good; been performing in different countries as the university clubs participated in various dance competition. Meanwhile, Hoseok composes music; he composed most of the theaters and drama performances back in school but it was just a hobby that he practised privately in university. Hyunwoo himself was oblivious about it until he accidentally saw a mini studio at Hoseok's house a year after knowing him.

     Hoseok would attend gigs or concert when he has the time. He met Jooheon and Changkyun through the gigs and made friend with them as they bumped into each other many times. They were texting last week when Jooheon playfully ask him to buy them dinner, which Hoseok easily agreed.

     The dinner was fun, everyone gets along so well. Despite Hyunwoo's quiet personality, Jooheon's playfulness and Changkyun's witty remarks are to his likings so they were enjoying their time. The atmosphere is good.

     "Hoseok hyung, you still owe us drinks." Jooheon suddenly chimes in.

     "Yo, what are we doing right now? You drank enough!" Hoseok pushes Joheon lightly.

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