Shape of You (Part 2)

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     Hyunwoo was standing at the exit of Yongsan station, looking at a nearby café wondering when will Kihyun arrive. He straightened his shirt once again. He wore a white sleeveless t-shirt underneath a red/black checkered loose shirt that he has left unbutton. He matches that with a slim fit, black jeans and his brand new black LeBron Soldier XI. He shamefully tried his best to come out with a casual look, trying hard not to look like he put too much effort but now standing here he feels like all the effort has gone in vain. His last pride is him wearing a black cap, trying to hide his excessive hair that he has been putting up this morning but decided to wash once again just because he is not sure what hairstyle would be suitable. Last resort was just to just shove it all in a cap, hiding it all and look all casual. Oh, how he wished he could just go back home and find something less flashy. He was fidgeting around when he noticed Kihyun across the street.

     Kihyun in a simple white long sleeve tshirt, black ripped jeans and a black Vans. He is carrying a black backpack and a DSLR with him. Hyunwoo's chest tightened. Kihyun saw him and signed him to cross the street and he obeyed.

      "Looking good big guy!" Kihyun exclaimed making Hyunwoo blushed. They walked in a nearby café and sat near the window.

     "Should we get some breakfast first? Before going on an adventure?" Kihyun dropped his backpack on the chair and gently placed the camera on the table. "I'll order. What do you want?"

     Hyuwoo sat down and looks at him. "Anything you are having."

     "You sure?"


      Kihyun came back with a cheerful smile and plopped down in his seat.

     "I ordered 1 green tea and 1 strawberry cherry iced tea, with French toast and a pie. You need anything more? Is that okay? We'll share. To order the same thing would be such a waste, we should order more types of food so we can taste more."

     "Ah... I never thought of that." Hyunwoo was amazed.

     "That is how we broke people get to eat as many types of food that we want. Of course you would not know."

      "I'm not that well-off. I just don't really care. As long I got to eat, I don't mind. I'm not a picky eater or anything. I just eat so I won't starve." Hyunwoo was defensive.

     "Alright big guy, from now on when you are with me you gonna care of what you eat and try out new things." Kihyun said, coaxing him out of his uneasiness.

     "How are you? Is everything going well with the music?" Hyunwoo leaned on the table.

     Kihyun picked up his camera and played with the settings "Yup, your friend has been a real help. We are reviewing the song he produced but the song is not ready yet. He said he is going to get some help from his friend this weekend and promise to meet us maybe later next week. We are not in any rush so... yeah." He snapped some pictures of the café and saw that the waiter is coming with their food through his lens. "Food is here."

     Hyunwoo turned and Kihyun quickly snapped a few shots of him. Hyunwoo turned back to him, feeling suspicious but felt silly when he saw Kihyun is only taking pictures of the flowers pot that is hanging on the ceiling of the café. The waiter put down their orders and wished them a good day. As the waiter left, Kihyun took a few shots of Hyunwoo. Startled, Hyunwoo raised his hand to cover the lens.

     "What? You are camera shy?" Kihyun lowered his camera and stares at Hyunwoo. Suddenly the doorbell chimed, stealing their attention. A group of girls came in, the whole place echoed with their laughters. Suddenly, one of the girl walked over to their table.

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