☆~Diagon Alley~☆

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The next day, I woke up both gloomy and excited. Overnight, my face had aged several years. Quickly, I willed myself to become the usual skinny, neat haired self and went down.

As usual, Gran was out in the garden with her petunias, while the kitchen was full of hustle. No sooner had I entered, than the toaster and kettle started their jobs. I had bread, lemon jam and milk ready on a plate. The saucepan was apparently hissing orders at the tomatoes.

“Good morning, Gran”.

Gran had come in. Other than dark circles under her beautiful eyes, there was absolutely no sign of the previous night. Rather, she looked excited.

Together, we went to the garden. It was still early, but the day was warm. “Wonderful day ahead, Teddy”, she said. “By the way, did you write to Nick? Is he cheerful now?” It wasn’t very hard for Gran to guess where Pip was used to flying to and coming from, with stacks of parchment tied to his claws, all day. I shook my head. “I didn’t. I was very tired yesterday”, I lied, remembering Mum’s letter. “He is still sad that he’s not a wizard.”

Then, an idea occurred to me. “But he could learn, Gran”, I cried excitedly. “He has always had better grades. Maybe, he could learn magic too! Can’t you write a letter to Professor McGonagall, Gran?”

“Magic is different, Teddy. You don’t learn it. You are born with it. I’m sad for Nick, too”, she said sincerely. “But that’s how things are.

“And you have entire holidays to catch up on each other”, she added. “Let’s look forward to that.”

I nodded. There was no use brooding and so, I went to Linn’s cottage. Nick was in the garden, pulling weeds and cleaning. On seeing me, he gave a wild wave and moaned, “I wish there were gnomes in our garden.”

I looked around cautiously and replied, “Hush, Nick. Anyway, they are irritating creatures.”

We played imaginary potions-in-cauldron and Muggles’ chess. Then, we talked about our least favourite topic- our upcoming separation.

When I left him, it was already a quarter to ten. I broke into a run. Uncle Harry would be in Diagon Alley by ten. 

On reaching New Tonks Cottage, I saw Gran waiting for me outside. “It’s almost time, Teddy. Come fast.” We went to the fireplace where the glass bowl with the floo powder stood ready. I was a bit nervous, in spite of having travelled by floo several times, as Gran wouldn’t be waiting on the other side. However, Uncle Harry would be there. So, I relaxed a bit and picked up floo powder and waved goodbye to Gran.

“Good day, Teddy”, she cried.

I let the powder slip between my fingers just as I was about to shout ‘Diagon Alley’ as clearly as possible.

Unfortunately, some floo went into my nostrils and I had to sneeze. So, I stopped at ‘DIAGON AL’ before the turquoise flames engulfed me.

When I came out, I was a bit dizzy and looked around. My surroundings looked very dark. Gran had told me that I would be in the parlour of the Leaky Cauldron, but this place looked different. I was in an ugly street, cramped under musty buildings. Then, I heard the familiar voice. “Teddy!”

I turned around and was relieved to see Uncle Harry standing there. He was smiling ear to ear but his glasses looked broken. “Uncle Harry!” I ran towards him and he hugged me and patted my hair, which turned blond.

“Tonks did that a lot too. But she liked pink the best”, he said. At once, I remembered the letter. I considered telling Uncle Harry about it, then decided to keep it my secret.

He took out his wand and uttered Oculus Reparo . At once, his glasses were good as new. “This is the most useful charm ever made”, he said. “I don’t know what it’s with me, I end up here every single time. In Knockturn Alley. Must be something with the pronounciation.   

“But blimey, how did you end up here?”

“I sneezed”, I laughed. “Midway.”

“It happened to me the first time at the Weasleys’’, he laughed with me. “And every time after that. Now come, we have an exciting day ahead. You have the list, right?”

We walked out of the dingy street and into a sunny one. “Diagon Alley!” I cried.

Diagon Alley was full of hustle. There were wizards everywhere. Men and women in long robes and pointed hats were straddling along and kids were squealing and jumping around. Youngsters were sitting on wooden chairs that floated midair outside the Leaky Cauldron. They were drinking pumpkin juice and fire whisky and chatting happily. Crackers were chasing the gossips. 

Before us, loomed the familiar structure of Gringotts Wizarding Bank, where I had come with Gran so many times.

Before us, loomed the familiar structure of Gringotts Wizarding Bank, where I had come with Gran so many times

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