Unbroken Trust Joseph x Oc

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I was with him from the beginning. He was the only one who knew I wasn't crazy. I had visions of the future, I was born with that gift. I have trouble remembering the visions though, I carry a leather bound notebook. One day I was writing in the notebook after one of these visions, a couple of orderlies came and grabbed me, they told me it was time for my meds. In the midst of the arguing I dropped the notebook. Joseph picked it up. He read through it. Most of it was random ramblings, but the section I wrote about four men arresting a nobel leader and one person deciding the fate of the world, reminded Joseph of his vision. Joseph helped me break out of the metal institute.

When I asked why he helped me he told me about the voice, he said it was the Creator and that it was warning him about a coming cleansing, at first I was skeptical, I mean, how many people claim to hear God?
He explained to me what he was told, and what he had seen. It fits perfectly with my vision. Parts that I had left out.

Back when I was younger I was part of the Atlanta Police department, I was about to make detective I never really talked about my visions, and when I finally did it pretty much ruined my career. They called me "The brightest rookie" they all thought I was some genius but it all changed when I moved over to homicide

They hounded me with questions
"How did you know the killer was 18?"
"How did you know there was a stalker? You didn't even read the case?" I explained my visions to them and they called me crazy, said I was the killer and that I was delusional, they sent me to the institute.
But I'm glad this happened to me, because if it hadn't. I never would have met my soulmate

I woke up in the middle of the night, it was your average Georgia night, cool and slightly humid. I threw on my clothes and walked outside. I looked around just taking the serenity of the area, the silence was broken by someone grunting, I turned over and saw Joseph dragging someone, as my eyes focused I realized who it was, it was the man who wanted to leave the church, he claimed we we're a cult, and that Joseph was manipulating us. Of course I didn't believe him, but many others did, many left our flock because of him

Joseph was struggling to carry him, I walked over and said nothing but I went a picked up his feet, Joseph looked at me and I could see the heartbreak in his eyes, he never wanted this to happen, but he knew it was the only way.
"It's not-" I cut him off

"I understand, now come on, we need to move him" I looked over to the lifeless man, his face body and knuckles were bruised and cut

"These don't really look like offensive wounds, honestly they look very defensive

"He attacked me first, I just defended myself! I just put my hands on his throat and" he stopped took a deep breath "Next thing I know he was gone"

"You don't need to explain, I trust you Joseph." I picked up his legs and helped Joseph

We carried him over to a forested area next to the church grounds, it was thick and the trees were tall but the ground was soft and easy enough to dig
We sat him down by a tree stump and Joseph went back to get a shovel
I sat it the peaceful woods again, the only noises were the peaceful one's of the creek running nearby
Joseph came back and was about to start digging

"Wait, we need to clean him first" I went to pick up his legs

"What do you mean?"

"I'm guessing you weren't wearing gloves when you.. killed him"

"No, I wasn't" he looked down to his feet

"Your fingerprints are all over, let's try to get some of them cleaned off first, lower him into the river for a minute, that should do something. "

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