Chapter 1

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    1,098 words

    My alarm clock started to go off. I knew that I should get up, except I am not a morning person.
So, I pressed snooze and went back to sleep. Until my mom came in my room to wake me up, at six o'clock in the morning! "You need to get up you only have half an hour to get ready before the bus comes, oh and there are pancakes downstairs waiting for you." She said. "Why can't you just take me?" I asked. "Because, mommy doesn't have the time to drop you off at school, plus I got to be at work in the next hour." She stated.

    I asked her slash ended up tellin' her, "Then can't you just get me a car I already got my driver's license." She replied with, "Okay, but you will just have to save up some of your own money. I'm not going to make you pay for the whole thing so I will pay for some of it deal?" Then, she was waiting on my response. So,I thought it over for a bit and I said, "Fine, but would you mind helping me with finding a job pretty please?" "Sure! What type of job do you want though?" She asked me. "Could I work at Starbucks?" I asked in response to her question. "Okay, if there is a spot available and you would be working with me okay?" She asked me. "Okay!" I replied.

    "Great now hurry up and get dressed, you now only have twenty-five minutes to get ready, and your pancakes are going to end up getting cold. I got to go to work now, love you sweetheart, see you later!" She said to me. So I got up unwillingly to go find my clothes for the day. Except, I couldn't decide on what to wear, so I just ended up going to take a quick five minute shower. After I was done, I put my robe on, and went to brush my hair and teeth. After that was all said and done, I finally picked the perfect outfit . Afterwards, I ate my pancakes and got to school I went to the main office to go and grab my schedule, by myself I might add. Since I didn't have any friends, because I'm the new kid of course I mean common you didn't think I would be antisocial did you?

    I am a Senior this year Yay! Note the sarcasm.
(Four hours later)
I'm now on my way to lunch, I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going. So, I ended up bumping into someone whom I'm guessing is a Senior like me. All I said was, "Sorry." And I began to pick up my stuff. I only stopped when this really cute guy. Whom I'm guessing is like 18 or 19 so basically somewhere around my age. He was helping me pick up my stuff which surprised me since not a whole lot of people actually have the courtesy to do so. While handing me my stuff back He said, "Here you go." "Thank you?" I said it like it was a question though. He said, "You are so very welcome, and what is your name because I don't think I have ever seen you around this school before!"

    "Yeah! Well I mean you probably don't know me because I'm the new kid around here, besides today is my very first day! Oh, and my name is Annabelle, but you can just call me Anna and what is your name?" I had replied to his last question. And I also tend to be by myself in school one because I'm an introvert and also because not many people like to hang around me since they think I might turn out to be a snob by what I wear. Well let me say one thing you cannot just judge someone by what they wear.
I was pulled from my thoughts as he asked me, "My name is Brandon, and would you like to sit with my friends and me at lunch?"
I said, "Yes!" of course. Come to find out he is the most popular person at school. Although, you may think there is no problem with that. Well I'd hate to burst your bubble, but there is a problem with that. Well you see, whenever I tend to get close to the popular person at school I would not only get bullied about it, but my mom would question me days on end about it!

    But on the contrary this school doesn't tolerate bullies and my mom doesn't have to know about it! (Insert the evil smirk face here) After lunch, I had only two more classes which consists of both Art and Cosmetology two of my most favorite classes. Suprisingly Brandon was in both of these classes. After Cosmetology we walked to our lockers, and he asked me, "Do you ride the bus or do you drive a car?" I replied, "I usually ride the bus, even though, I have my driver's license, I don't have a car right yet." "Well, since you usually ride the bus. Would you like me to take you home after we do our project?" He asked, and I replied, "Where are we going to do the project?"

    "If you would like we could go do the project at my house?" He replied to my question, and I replied to his by saying, "Sure! Just let me text my mom!" The weird thing is, whenever I'm around Brandon I always feel this deep connection with him. It is like so weird. My mom replied as we were walking outside. So, I told him what she said, "She said okay and to be safe." "Okay, and are you hungry?" He asked, "A little, but I'm fine, although it would be nice to get a coffee!" I exclaimed, He laughed. So, I asked, "What's so funny?" "Because, you said that you're fine, then you turn around and sat coffee would be nice, and that was the reason I was laughing." He replied.

    He then asked, "Hey, what are you doing this weekend?" "I'm not sure let me double check with my mom later, and I could text you later except I need your phone #." I said. "Sure, but can I put it in your phone?" He asked, and I replied, "Okay, but can I put mine in yours?" "Yeah of course." He said. So, we ended up exchanging phone numbers and then going to get coffee.

Hey guys so I added and changed things so it is different than when I had first posted the story. Thanks! peace. ☮. ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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