Chapter 4

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Dear Diary,
I think I'm about to break into someone's house. But like, who cares? What's the best way to do this? I could go through the front door, or the window...

I climbed up the pole on the side of the house and I took a bobby-pin out of my hair. After fiddling with the window lock for a few minutes, I finally snap it off.

I climb in the window to see a dark room. I looked around for a moment.

His room is very large. Everything is in perfect place. Books are stacked neatly on the desk, the pictures are in perfect place and the floor doesn't even have a speck of dirt.

I looked at his bed, to see him resting with a sleep mask on his face. He looks peaceful.

I walked over to her bed and jumped on it, scaring him out of his peaceful sleep.

He lifts up the mask to see me smiling widely at him.

"Um, Kara, what are you doing in my room?" He asks quietly, a bit frightened.

I shush her very loudly.

"Hi! I came through the window. Your house is hard to get into, but it was the only way! Sam is going to kill me on Monday and so now I'm gonna have sex with you cause your my last meal on death row!" I say happily.

He gives me a confused look and rub his eyes.

"Come on! Loose the big boy panties!" I whine, snapping the buttons off of my blazer.

I jump off of the bed and he looks at me strangely.

"Are you okay?" He asks wearily. "Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" I giggle, while starting to unbutton my polka dot blouse.

"Woah there Kara. Can you please button up you shirt?"

"You're really amazing. And I know your life kinda sucked now I'm going to make it better! We can leave that cruel world out there, because in here it's beautiful.. Well, we can make it beautiful, if you get what I mean." I smile, walking over to him and nudging him.

I leaned in to kiss him, and he goes into it. I push him down so that he's laying on the bed and I'm on top of him.

After a few moments he leans back. "How'd you even get here Kara?"

I ignore his question and leaned back in to kiss him. A few moments later, we hear a ripping noise, and he goes wide eyed.

"I think you might have torn my mattress!" He whisper yells, not wanting to wake the people in the house.

I got into kiss him again. "You better chug that mountain due, cause you ain't getting no sleep tonight!" I yell playfully.

"Okay Kara, that's where we stop. I can't do this anymore." He sighs, pulling me off of him.

"Why not, we we're having so much fun!" I pout.

"I'm not going to take advantage of you. You're clearly under the influence of something, and I feel like you've never done this before."

"I'm not under the influence of anything!" I laugh nervously, while crossing my arms.

He looks at me incredulously. "You know, when you lie you get this crinkle up here." He says blatantly, poking the crinkle.

I cross my eyes and tried to look up at it, frowning. "I do not have I crinkle! Plus that doesn't prove anything."

"Yes you do. Plus your pupils are really dilated."

I rolled my eyes. "So what?"

"Again I'm not going to take advantage of you, but thanks for the offer." He sighs, putting on his mask and pulling the covers on himself, turning the other way.

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