10. broken

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One night he got a little too drunk...
I can still remember how my mom's face looked. She says it hurts most when the weather changes. I saw how broken she was that day. He went to jail, but not for long. He apologized, but he told a lie becauee he wasn't sorry, no he thought it was funny... and he thought she deserved it. She just let him continue to hurt her, she let him back into our lives.
I remember hearing her on the phone... She was talking to him. And when I confronted her she thought it was the funniest thing. I just don't understand how you can love a man that beats you, a man that hurts you and your children. And when I look at him all I see are the bruised marks on her throat, the large purplish marks on her face, her eye swollen with pus. And I was helpless to stop her loving a man that didn't really care about her.
When he was in jail.. I watched her cry for days, and she would just lay in bed and scream " he loves meee, he does". And it hurt so much to see her like that. At that moment it didn't matter that she didn't love me as much as I loved her. My mom was hurting....

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