chapter 10

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Y/n P.O.V

I was heading home but something about that guys seemed familiar. That voice or it could just be running through my head. If got home and decides to sleep even though it was still to early I was just really tired...... it was 8:00 when I woke up. Nice now I won't be able to sleep tonight I was saying to myself.

It's been a week since I arrived back in korea everybody was going crazy over a new boy band called bts. I knew that name anywhere but i let it brush off since anyone can have that name. Maybe those were the people I ran into in the airport a week ago.

I spent a whole 3 weeks in korea but I was missing my fiends so I decided to head back to America. As I was waiting at my gate there was a crowed a of girls screaming and I knew who that was....BTS..... I let it slide and just kept one looking at my social media. Once my gate was announced I started to head in to my seat. I barely passed the crowed place cause of all of those girls. Why do they go everywhere I go I can't land and leave in peace I thought to myself. I found my seat and sat down. Minutes later someone sat beside me but I didn't pay much attention I plugged in my head phone and fell asleep. About 2 hours in the ride I woke up and I looked to my left and there was a very tall guy with a mask sitting next to me I just smiled and looked out the window.


We were entering our gate but it was hard cause of all the fan girls but we made it to our flight.

Sitting arrangement
-RM and JIN
-tae and j-hope
-jimin and jungkook
- suga

Suga P.O.V
I sat by a girl but I couldn't make out who it was after about 2 hours she woke up and saw me and I tried not to gasp but it was Y/n she looks more different now then she did when she left. I quickly took out my phone and texted the BTS group chat

Suga- hey do you guys know y/n is in this flight and is even sitting right next to me
RM- WHAT really?
Jimin- your kidding right she can not be.
Suga-yes she is right next to me
Jimin-i know she was in korea but I didn't know for how long
All of bts- WHAT why didn't you tell us
Jimin-i just saw her once but I thought it was maybe someone that looked like her.
End of conversation

Y/n P.O.V

I don't know why but the guy next to me started to act really strange and he kept on staring at me. When the plane was landing I was glad cause it's been a long flight. As I was about to walk down to the exit someone grabbed my wrist

"May I help you" i asked kindly

"Do you know who I am" he asked

"No, not at all" i responded

"Maybe if I remove my mask you will know" he said 

When he did it left me on shock all this time I tried to avoid him but here he is

"jimin" I said

"Yep it's me" he added 

I didn't know what to say but I was able to free myself from this grip and I ran all I could hear was "wait" but I continued to run.

I'm sorry jimin but I'm not ready to face you

Authors note-  I'm sorry I haven't been active I'm currently working and I'm not able to post anything I really apologize for it but I really do love you guys and all who read my book I will be back soon and posting more love y'all ❤❤

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