4.My First Class

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I walked out of the dorm with my bag filled with a pencil notebook and computer, around 7 leaving the two sleeping boys. I wanted to get my schedule before school starts. School started at 7:45. I made my way across the street and onto the campus. There were already students at school probably studying or from a zero hour.

I sat at a bench and people watched. it kind of sent a shrill of excitement to see no girls around. They are the holy grail of drama. All the boys that walk past seem to mind their own business. Though I'm catching all the zero hour 'goodie, goodie' students. I haven't seen the assholes quite yet. But for now, I'm happy watching the nerdy boys walk across the campus. Each one having their own level of pep in their step. Some looked happy to be here early, others looked like they got no sleep and work themselves to hard. I watch my last person walk by slowly before getting up and heading to the head office.

I walked into the familiar office met with the same assistant.

"good morning" I greeted causing her to look up

She gave a fake smile and responded, "how can I help you Mrs. Y/l/n?"

"I have yet to get my schedule."

"oh yes let me grab that for you." she bent down disappearing behind her desk. She came back with a folder with my name on it. She opened it and took a-out a paper with my classes

"here you go darling" she said handing me the paper.

"thank you" I replied before walking out.

I read my first few classes. 'math, social studies, English, science, and...... dance?'

how would he even know that I dance?

I brushed it off and decided to be happy that I now had a class for dancing because god knows homegirl has trouble sticking to it.

I walked down the familiar path, due to Jungkook, to the math building.

After making my way into the building and finally into the room, I took a seat in the back and began to get situated.

I pulled out my computer, which I use to take notes, and my headphones.

Because I'm still about 10 minuets early for class I decided to drag up some of my old music. I hadn't opened my music software and neither my music folder.

Digging through my computer to find my music gave me a reconsent feeling. It distracted me so much so that I didn't notice the other students piling into the room.

After finally finding the folder I was looking for I took my headphones and relaxed back in my seat.

"it's nice of you to finally join us"

I looked up to the front of the room. the, I'm presuming, teacher was giving me the evil eye.

"you should have tapped my shoulder I didn't realize that class was starting" I replied to the man in a casual tone

"do you always show up for class and go on your computer"

"when I show up 30 minutes early I do" I exaggerated the time to prove my point

"put your computer away and pay attention" he said in defeat

"I use my computer for note taking, do you guys not allow that here?"

"and why would we allow a bunch of boys to have computers in class"

"ah I guess that makes sense. Do you mind If I take notes on my computer?" I replied gaining a professional tone to my voice.

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