Chapter Three

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I manage to avoid Running into Owen again for the next few days. It's not hard really, I just have to become a total hermit and never leave my room. My parents don't seem to fazed by my sudden disappearing act, they just continue in with their packed schedules as per usual. The only people I see outside of my family  during the week are Ethan and Ady. My two best friends come over daily and we make camp in my bedroom playing video games, drinking and gorging ourselves on the unhealthiest of foods.

I realize that I had indeed technically accepted the job from Owen, but I have been avoiding meeting his calls in order to put off finally really agreeing to it. Now that I know that the man has some sort of intentions towards me I am deeply debating whether working for him is a good idea. I mean I barely have the ability to hold myself back in public spaces. Imagine being alone with him.....I mean oh my god. Even if he says he wouldn't do anything to me how can I trust him? How can I trust myself?

"Dude focus! your totally screwing us over!" Ethan growls as he violently slams his thumb into the controller. The plastic hums and vibrates as he shoots his gun at the opposing team on the screen with fervor. I shake my thoughts away and attempt to salvage our game but alas it's too far gone. The loosing screen pops up and Ady slams her fists down on my bed.

"Damn it Danny!" She growls shooting daggers at me. I press my hands together in an apology, hoping she doesn't smack me. An angry Ady is never a good thing. The girl has a punch as strong as a thousand men. The gesture seems to work as she just groans and rolls onto her back. Ethan stands up from his perch on my floor, abandoning his controller, and moves to sit next to Ady on the bed. I think it's pretty clear that they are done playing games with me.

"What's going on with you anyway? Your head is totally gone." Of course, Ethan is a lot more observant than we give him credit for. I watch as he pokes Ady in the side with his foot. She turns onto her stomach beating his foot away before turning her attention to me.

"Is it because you haven't been able to find a job yet?" She knows how much I had been searching. If only she knew the real problem. The extremely dark, handsome, and muscular problem. I shake my head bringing my legs up into my chair and swirling it around several times while trying to decide if I really want to talk to them about this. They are my friends right? They won't judge me. Will they?

" Ethan......Hypothetically" I start, carefully testing the waters with my words. I stop my circular motion to rest my uncertain gaze on the bed In front of them. Both of them raise their brows at my strange introduction but say nothing. "What would you do if an older man came up to you and said he was attracted to you?"

Ethan gasps dramatically bringing his hands up to his gaping mouth in shock. "Oh my God, some guy is trying to get in your pants!!" Ady pushes up into a sitting position. Suddenly she is a million times more interested in the conversation than she was a few seconds ago. I guess girls do like to hear gossip. Especially if it's as juicy and rare as what I'm proposing. I mean the gay population in this little town isn't exactly booming.

Her interest and Ethan's suggestive comment has my cheeks burning. I grab a pillow from my desk and chuck it at Ethan. He isn't fazed by the violence and simply catches the pillow and places it in the space in between his knees. If only it was made of metal, maybe then he wouldn't be so nonchalant about it. "I said hypothetically you asshole!"

"Yes Danny, but don't you know that whenever anyone says hypothetically in a situation like this it's never hypothetical?" Ethan shakes his head as if I have severely disappointed him. "Come on man you're better than that."

"Fuck you man!" I scowl at him and he grins rubbing his palms together.

"Well actually I'm more of a top kind of guy." Okay. I did set myself up for that one. Ady, having enough of his banter, slams her hand into the back of his head. Ethan yells in pain and clutches at his empty skull, but it's drowned out by Ady's demanding voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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