Dorm Room 210... Again?: My Name is Asher Mikaelson

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Chapter Three

My Name is Asher Mikaelson

"They feel in love? How and why?" As I looked at him while he was coming closer I begin to feel my heart race. It doesn't make since that they fell in love. What happened to make them fall in love?

"Well wouldn't you? After all they lived with each other for awhile. They got to know each other like the back of their hand. Even if they hated each other they became lovers." That just doesn't seem right. I guess if they truley did love each other that would have happened, but still. That seems wrong to me. Then again I don't believe in love.

"No I wouldn't fall in love with him. First off, love isn't real. If it was then why would there be so many heartbroken people? If love was true then they wouldn't have fallen out of love. Second off, Even if I did believe in love, Which I wouldn't, I wouln't have with him. Who knows what would have happen afterwards. For all that could happen would be them ending up a part and one of them so heartbroken. So please, Be my guest and prove to me that love exists." It doesn't exist, If it did they wouldn't have left Lena, Jere, and I alone. They wouldn't have left me to raise them all alone.

"Fine, Believe what you want to believe. How would you know if love exists or not? Have you experienced it? The love of a man who loves you for everything you are? Have you experienced the touch of the one that is in love with you just because you are you?" Why is he asking me all this? What did I do to have him say all this to me?

"No, I havn't experienced that. I never will. Look at me! I'm a nobody. Everybody cradles my younger sister. Apparently I don't exist in this world that my sister is in. Everybody is all over her asking if she's okay or if she needs anything because of what happened. I bet if she was endangered everybody would try to protect her. Put me there and nobody would protect me because apparently I can take care of myself now. I don't matter there. The whole reason I'm even here is because I worked my ass off trying to get a full time scholarship. I had to save my money up so I could buy a damn ticket. Plus the family that I have left, Which is just my aunt and a uncle that I don't even see anymore cause he just disappeared, says that I'm here so that I can pay for Elena and Jeremy to go to college or a University. Be in my shoes and tell me if love is real." I bet he thi9nks the same thing. I just don't matter for some damn reason to everyone in Mystic Falls. I just hope that somebody will care bout me here. Probably nobody will.

"That's what you think? That nobody cares? If that was true then you wouldn't be here because the people who excepted you to this university obviously they care to let you go here. What happened in Mystic Falls only happens in Mystic Falls. You know what, If I'm going to be your room mate then you won't remember any of this." What is he talking about? Is he crazy?

"What do you mean?" In a instant he was in front of me. Before i could do anything he grabbed my face and made me look into his eyes.

"You won't remember anything that happened in Mystic Falls involving Elena. You will forget that everbody only cares about her. You will only remember the happy times in Mystic Falls with your family and friends. You will remember that people cared about you. Even if that isn't true. You will except what you really think about love. What madeyou think it wasn't true you will forget. You will go back to what you thought of love when you were eight-teen. You will forget about the past ten minutes. Do you understand?" What's happening? I started to forget everything....

"Yes I understand."

"Good." What just happened?

"Why are you waving your hand in front of me?" That is really weird of him to do.

"Well you zoned out. So I was trying to get your attention." Oh.

"I'm sorry about that. What were we talking about? Oh and whats your name again?" I forgot what we were talking about. That's so unlike me.

Asher's Point of View

"My name's Asher Mikaelson. Would you like to sit down while we talk?" She looks so much like Tatia and Katrina. She must be the next Petrova Doppelganger. My brother will be happy to hear of this. What is she talking about her sister though?

"Sure. It's nice to meet you Asher Mikaelson." As we headed to sit down I saw how her walk had more of flaunt and confidence. This girl is so much like Katrina. I think Elijah would like her. To bad she has to die so Klaus and I can break the curse. I had lead her to the window sill to sit down so we could talk.

"I had asked you earlier what you think about the ball tonight. My brother is hosting it tonight." I wonder if she'll come.

"Oh, Yes I'll be joining the ball tonight. What's the theme?" I wonder if she'll really come. Funny thing about this school or University that I'm currently attending is owned by Klaus and I. The building by it's self is just gorgeous. The people that do get into this University are Strong, Intellingent, Attractive, and above the normal human. If their not that then their not accepted in to stay at the dorms or into the school. Even for the scholarship they wouldn't be able to if they didn't pass the expections. If they get in with out any of that it is because their family is loaded.

"The team of the ball tonight is taking place in the 1400's." My brother decided for some reason to go back in time for this ball. When I looked at her face it seemed as if she was worried about something.

"I can't go. I don't have any money for a dress like that."

"Don't worry. I got a dress you could use." Just say yes. I don't want to compel you again!

"Sure, When do you want me to start getting ready?" Oh no, she's not getting herself ready.

"Actually, I have a make up team that's coming to do your hair and make up. They will also help you with the dress." Just agree, make my day a lot easier.

"Okay, I can do that." Thank you! At least she's agreeing.

"Good, because there here. Come in!" As I said that the whole make up team came in.

"Well, have fun. I'll see you at the ball."

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