Meeting them

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Hi, I'm Lola. I'm 17 and live with my grandma. We recently moved because we couldn't afford our house in Florida. We now live in New Jersey.

I walk into our new house and shrug. It's alright I guess. I saw that we now lived in the suburbs, which I hate. I can't stand having neighbors. Ugh whatever. I promise I'm not snobby, I just don't like people.

I walk into my new room, it includes and small closet and a bathroom connecting to another bedroom. I start to unpack, before dinner and went to bed.

Next Day-
I decided to go out for a run because I ate way too much lasagna last night. (Actually me tho;0) I slipped on some spandex, jersey, and nikes. I grabbed a water and left a note for my grandma.

Dear Grandma,
I went out for a run, I won't be back until pretty late. Save me a plate for dinner. Love you, xoxo.
Sincerely, Lola

I grabbed my phone and headphones and headed out the door. I played some Kid Cudi and Blackbear while running.

I know I said I hated the suburbs, but, I have to admit. This neighborhood was pretty nice. I saw 2 boys playing basketball at the house across ours. They looked a lot alike. Maybe twins, I thought. They had their shirts off will a full display of their godly carved abs. Geez I should really cut down on the goldfish and gummies.

I ran to a small shop that looked very cute. It had round, brown tables with white chairs. I sat down and took a quick breather before running home. But before that I got to see that those boys across the street were in fact twins, and very attractive ones I might add.

I took a quick shower and went to bed after I ate some leftover dinner. Pizzaaaa. My head was fumbled because I had to start a next school tommorow. Yay /sarcasm/. What if I get bullied and they don't like me? Will I get lost? What will I wear!? I hate school, can I just skip? Nah grams would be pissed. Let's just see how this goes....Fuck my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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