Truth or Dare: Part One

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Nino: Hey dude and dudette.
Alya and Marinette: Hey Nino.
Adrien: * Walks by and ignores them.*
Alya: What's his deal?
Nino: I don't know.
*Bell rings. School ends. Adrien is about to get in his car, but walks over to his friends. *
Adrien: Sorry for this morning guys. I just got mad at my dad and just wanted to be alone for a bit.
Marinette: I-its f-fine A-Adrien.
Alya: Hey why don't we have sleepover? At Marinette's?
Nino: I'm cool.
Adrien: I will have to see what my dad says.
Marinette: Y-Yeah. I have to ask my parents first.
*They go home and ask their parents if they can have a sleepover at Marinette's. All the parents say yes. Including Adrien's dad. So they all text each other saying that they are good and can have the sleepover and decide the time will be 6:00pm. So Marinette gets ready for them to come over. *
Marinette: I don't know Tikki I maybe this is to risky.
Tikki: I know it maybe risky, but at least have some fun. Don't worry I will be there for you if you need me. I will just be hidden.
Marinette: Okay, Tikki. I better keep getting ready then.
* It is five till six and Alya normally arrives right now, but she is running behind.*
* In text*
Alya: Hey, I am running late so I will be at your place in five. See you soon.
Marinette: K, see you soon.
* Marinette sees her diary sitting out so she puts it somewhere safe. It is a minute till six. So Marinette talks to Tikki.*
Marinette: Okay, Tikki. I won't spill the secrect.
Tikki: Are you sure you won't?
Marinette: Yes, Tikki. I am sure.
Tikki: Okay, Marinette. If you need anything I am still here.
Marinette: Okay.
*Doorbell rings.*
Marinette: Hide Tikki.
* Tikki hides while Marinette answers the door. *
Alya: Hey gurl. Nino and I are here. Adrien should be coming soon.
Marinette: Okay.
* Nino and Alya come in. A couple minutes later the doorbell rings. Marinette answers it to see Adrien.*
Marinette: H-hey A-Adrien.
Adrien: Hey Marinette.
Nino: Hey bro.
Alya: Hey Adrien.
Adrien:  Hey Nino. Hey Alya. Hey Marinette, why do you have all of these pictures of me?
Marinette: I have them because..... ummm. Your dad makes you wear a lot of  clothes that he makes, and I am really into to fashion. So yeah....
Adrien: Okay. So what are we doing?
Nino: Let's play truth or dare.
Adrien: I am cool.
Alya: I'm in. How about Marinette? Are you or out?
Marinette: I'm in.
Nino: Okay here is how it goes-
Adrien: I think we already know how it goes, Nino.
Nino: You do, but I want to play one round the interesting way.
Alya: Tell us the interesting way.
Nino: Okay. Well, the person who said, let's play truth or dare, asks the last person that says yes to truth or dare. Then, the other people walk off together to decide the question.
Alya: Ohh. So, Nino you ask Marinette.  Then, Adrien and I walk off and decide truth or dare for Marinette. I'm cool with this, for one round only.
Adrien: I am cool for one round like that.
Marinette: Umm. I guess I am okay with it.
Nino: Okay. Truth or dare, Marinette?
* Adrien and Alya walk off, and then walk back to the other two with the answer.*
Alya: Okay, Marinette chooses a dare.
Nino: Okay, Marinette I dare you to show us the most embarrassing picture you are in, and that you have.
Marinette: O-oh. Okay.* Shows picture.*

Nino, Adrien, and Alya: * Laughing

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Nino, Adrien, and Alya: * Laughing.*
Alya: Gurl, that is hilarious.
Adrien: It is adorable, cute, and  hilarious.
Nino: I can't believe you took that. * still laughing.*
* Eventually Nino got punched by Alya, because he was still laughing about the picture, and he finally stopped.*
Nino: Okay. Adrien, now you ask Alya.
Adrien: Okay. Alya, truth or dare?
* Nino and Marinette walk off and then walk back with the answer.*
Marinette: Okay, we are back. Alya chooses dare.
Adrien: Okay. Alya, I dare you to sing your favorite song.
Alya: In front of all of you. *Gulps*
Adrien: Yes.
Alya: Okay. * Starts singing Don't let me down. Finishes singing*
Marinette: Good job, Alya. You have the voice of an angel.
Nino: You did great.
Adrien: Wow. That was amazing.
Alya: Awww. Thanks guys.
Marinette: Of course. Oh now your turn to ask Nino, Alya.
Alya: Okay. Nino, truth or dare?
* Adrien and Marinette walk off then walk back with the answer.*
Adrien: Okay, Alya. Nino will take a dare.
Nino: Oh boy.
Alya: Okay. Nino I dare you to kiss me.
* Nino and Alya kiss.*
Marinette: Awww. You to would make such a cute couple.
Adrien: I know they are sooooo cute together.
Alya: Okay, okay. Adrien it is your turn to ask Marinette.
Adrien: Okay. Marinette, truth or dare?
* Nino and Alya walk off then walk back with the answer.*
Nino: Okay. Marinette will do a dare.
Adrien: Okay. Marinette I dare you to shout out that window that you love Chat Noir.
Marinette: Okay. * Shouts out window.* I LOVE CHAT NOIR.

                 TO BE CONTINUED

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