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tsukishima kei

tsukishima kei

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Life was particularly average for you. Karasuno High was a school of fairly average kids. Nothing too special, it wasn't a powerhouse school like Aobajōhsai or Shiratorizawa High. The students were all fairly normal as well. There's the few oddballs that stand out well, but for the most part, everybody was fairly normal.

You, in particular, is one of the average students. Smart, as seen through your current classroom and grades, but other than that, you weren't the few oddball first years that you've seen come in and out of the classroom. A short student with messy orange hair and another, much taller student with straight raven hair.

Now, you weren't creepy. Just very observant and it wasn't hard for your attention to shift to the two when they burst in yelling at Tsukishima behind you. You shared his annoyance, as evidence by the way his voice sounded everytime he uttered a reply to the two other first years. For the most time, you did your best to ignore the four first years behind you and instead, forced yourself to focus on your own work.


Tsukishima Kei had always been someone who caught the eyes of many. Most girls, especially, as evident from the many gifts you've seen him receive. At least, in comparison to the other boys in your class year.  Many boys are jealous of him as well; calling him ungrateful for gaining the attention of the cute girls in their high school but Tsukishima didn't seem to care. For a long while, you really just thought that he was a cold person. Unable to care for others than himself.

Still, as cold as he seemed, much like most of the first years in Karasuno, you found yourself catching feelings for the tall student. Supressing it didn't work too well, especially when you knew that he was just a few inches behind you and whenever you found the rare chances to talk to him. They were brief and more often than not he didn't share the same energy as you did in conversations, but he didn't at all regard you with the same coldness as other students. So maybe that had brought false hope in you. Just a little. Even if he didn't seem to care much with replying and even if your face is burning about a majority of the time you try to stammer out words.

Your friends often gossiped about him. After all, he was possibly the only first year with such a huge presence with his sharp tongue and good looks.

"Honestly, I would date him." One of your close friends, Mirai said one day with a dreamy sigh. You found yourself chuckling a bit at her sudden confession. You and your ragtag group of three were seated on the other side of the classroom, which gives your group some space to actually talk about him. "Maybe under all that cold exterior is something soft. Like a tsundere."

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