Part 5

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3rd POV

Weiss sat picking at her lunch slowly "What's up Ice Queen?" Yang said scooting over to the white haired girl "Nothing....." Weiss said trailing off "You miss your boyfriend don't you?" Yang said and no matter what Weiss came up with as a potential defense it didn't matter "It's alright, when did he say he'll be back?" Yang asked "This weekend" Weiss said and Yang looked at the date, it was a Thursday "Only two days then, that's not that long a wait" Yang said and Weiss shrugged "I just have something I want to talk about with him, it's kind of.........a sensitive subject" Weiss said and Yang nodded "If you want to talk with me then you know I'm here"

(Y/n) POV

I was sitting in a tree looking up at the clear blue sky lazily yapping my foot in the air. Pulling out my scroll I started playing some game until my target was coming by, a pair of alpha beowolves along with their packs "Show time" I said putting my scroll away and I activated my semblance. It does the obvious visual differences but also gives a boost to my physical attributes as well. I landed on the ground and gave the Grimm a toothy smile "Which one of you freaks wants some first?" I said cracking my neck. One howled at me and changed swinging at me with its claws, it was easy to dodge and I jumped over it and cut the arm off before grabbing the jaw and snapping its neck. Smirking I licked some of the blood off my hand while still holding my smile "Next please".

Two hours later

That took longer than I wanted since one of the alphas decided to run and I had to track him down. I was sitting in the back of the bullhead wiping myself down from sweat and Grimm blood. I lied telling this would take a day or so so I could surprise Weiss when I get back early. The ride was fairly long and we didn't get back until it got later so the sun was setting in the distance "Perfect" I said rushing to my dorm careful to avoid anyone Weiss' or I know. Showering since I smelled, I changed into my more casual outfit and I set my plan into motion.

Weiss POV

I was sitting around studying when my scroll buzzed, looking it was from (Y/n) 'Hey can you check my room for something, I think I left my Grimm studies book there' 'Sure' I sent back and I got up from my seat. Walking down the halls the question I wanted to ask (Y/n) continued to nag at me. Opening the door I was greeted by dimmed lighting with two dinner candles on a blanket with (Y/n) laying on his side "(Y/n)? Why are you back so early?" we hugged and I sat down opposite him "I wanted to surprise you princess" and I giggled at his display "For you" and he handed me a white flower "I don't have a vase" I said and he took it "Here, then we can do this" he broke the stem so it was a bit shorter "Turn around please" and I did as he asked, I felt him fiddle with my hair "Here" and he handed me a mirror, the flower was in the bas of my ponytail "I love it" I told him and I turned to face him "And I love you" "I love you too" and we kissed. I felt his hands on my sides as we kissed, it was brief and we sat down on the bed just contempt to be in each other's company "(Y/n)" I said looking down at our hands, fingers intertwined together "Hmm?" he said rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb "Have you ever thought and me......doing...........things?" I asked and he stayed silent for a moment "Where's this coming from?" "Last time when we were kissing, we were getting really heated and you like to kiss my neck and ear an-" he cut me off by lifting my chin up "Weiss, I do those things because I like being with you and being around you, besides seeing you in pleasure is all the more reason to do it" and he kissed my forehead "I won't ever force you to do anything you don't think is right, but I also don't think we as a couple are ready for sex yet" looking down I felt ashamed that it was me who was the one that thought we were ready "Weiss" he said and I looked up and he kissed me "To answer your first question, I will not lie, I have thought about....things like that" and we gripped each other's hands even tighter, we didn't kiss or anything but just sit in the warmth of each other's company.

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