The Game

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*Jason's POV*
If anything wrong was going to happen, it would be today. To be fair, it had already happened. But I still think the worst is yet to come. Don't get me wrong, but it had been a full week since I had been attacked or impaled or injured. Even remotely so.
Usually my bad luck begins on a good days. Today, was, a good day. Blue skies, not a cloud and full on sunshine. Basically an accident waiting to happen. But I couldn't wait for it the whole day, I had to do something. So when I woke up, I greeted Grumpy Zeus Statue and headed to the pavilion for breakfast. As soon as I finished, Leo popped up next to me. "Hey Jason! What's up, my man? Have you eaten yet? Cause I got this great idea and-" I cut off his mini rant. "'Sup Leo. What's going on?" I asked him. He grinned cheekily, his hands tapping the table really fast, when he's excited.
"Well, I thought we could all gather in Bunker 9 for a game of Truth or Dare." "Oh hell no, Leo." was my immediate response. He frowned. "C'mon dude, it'll be fun. Besides, " he nudged my side, "you're the only one who hasn't said yes. Everyone else is coming. And I'm like very sure you don't wanna miss it." The expression that followed nearly made me lock myself in the Cabin 1 to not play the game. I sighed. This was Leo. And ahead of me, lay a game of Truth or Dare. Wow, thanks a ton, Tyche, I grumbled in my head. So much for evading the bad luck. But its not like I could have avoided it, right?
"Alright, fine. I'll be there." I said.
Leo nodded. "Okay cool. Be there in five, everyone's waiting." Then, without warning he shot off like a bullet. I sighed again. This was gonna be a long day.
*Annabeth's POV*
"Percy! Cut it out!" I said, giggling. Percy just stuck his tongue out at me and continued to attack me with kisses. I laughed at him, as he pulled me onto his lap. We were in Bunker 9 along with our friends, because Leo had invited us for a game of Truth or Dare. But he himself wasn't anywhere to be seen.
I was sitting next to Nico, who was on my right and Percy who was on my left. Piper was sitting with Percy, and next to her were, Reyna, Jason, Hazel, Frank and Travis.
Katie, Connor, Miranda, Rachel and Will were next to Nico. There was an empty space left for Leo. The others were either talking or in Nico's case, making gagging gestures at Reyna because of Percy being all cheesy. I liked it though. Looking over at Nico, I saw his hair were longer, darker and fuller. His clothes were still black but not loose. With a slight jolt I realised, he was fitting into them, filling out quite nicely. I felt happy because it meant he was eating and resting well.
I was interrupted from my thoughts when Percy licked my cheek. "Gah Percy! Eww!" I groaned and smacked his face. "Love you too, babe." He smirked and winked at me. I rolled my eyes. "Why are you so gross, Seaweed Brain?" I asked him, pretending to be annoyed. "Because I'm the son of Poseidon. Prince of the Sea. And right now, the sea is very dirty. Pollution levels are on the rise. Hence the grossness." Percy grinned, apparently satisfied with his answer. "You are crazy." " I know. That's why you love me. C'mere!" He said and turned me around in his lap, so that my back was facing his chest. He had his arms wrapped around my waist tightly and his chin was resting on my shoulder.
"Hey, you guys, try to keep it PG in here maybe?" I rolled my eyes at Nico, who was smirking. Katie and Miranda laughed. "Di Angelo, this is their version of PG. You don't wanna know what goes on in the Poseidon Cabin on weekends." I turned red. Percy was glaring at Jason, red around the ears too. Everyone 'ooh'ed and Nico snorted.
"Thanks Jason, now I know everything." Nico said.
"No worries, dude." Jason answered.
"Both of you, shut up." I huffed. "I can't believe you Jason. Percy and I don't do, whatever it is you meant." Jason smirked. "Sure, Annie. Whatever you say. But," He leaned forward and went, "you know exactly what I mean. At least, Percy does. Look at his face." He sat back down, obviously satisfied. I was fuming with embarrassment. Everyone else was watching raptly. I took a deep breath and smiled. "Whatever you guys. We're here to play, so let's do that."
A chorus of 'yeahs' and 'cools' came back. "Hey, speaking of that, where is Leo?" Piper asked. "Probably stuck in trying to reach the toilet locks. Shorty." Reyna muttered but we heard her. Nico and I snorted, while Jason fist-bumped Reyna. "Or maybe, he was trying to make this game, very, very, messy, mi amigos." We turned to see, holding up two plastic bags, a grinning Leo Valdez.
I glanced at Reyna, who was suddenly very interested on the bunker floor.
"Ah, Reyna? Babe? Don't worry, I'm still available. I still love you, though you made Leo sad." He winked at her and plopped down between Nico and Katie. Reyna rolled her eyes and flipped him off. He winked at her and Katie smacked his arm. "Valdez, what even in the name of gods, is in those bags?" She asked him. "Oh, Katie-Bear, these? Just a little, something, something."
"Hey! Only I get to call her that!" Travis scowled at Leo. Leo stuck his tongue out at him.
He turned to us and shouted. "Uncle Leo's gonna ruin your lives kids! Be prepared for the best-slash-worst game of Truth or Dare!" We chuckled but when I glanced at Jason, he seemed tense.
"What's wrong, Grace? Cat got your tongue?" I teased him. He turned towards me, with a look that was very unfamiliar to me. "We'll see who get's whose tongue, Chase." He smirked evilly and I frowned at Piper. She shrugged nonchalantly. I glared at him.
"Are you challenging me?"
"Yup. It's on, Annabeth Chase."
"You bet it is, Sparky." Behind me, Percy laughed. "Jason, bro, you messed with the wrong blonde." Around us, people laughed. Piper looked at Jason with fake concern. "Babe, I love you a lot and I'm all for you winning, but I gotta agree with Percy. You did mess with the wrong blonde." Jason looked at her, like, she had just kissed a stapler in front of him. Piper winked at me and Percy. I blew her a kiss. "Love you too, Pipes." "I know, hun." She said.
"Alright, ladies, if the gay moments are over, may we continue?" Leo asked us and we nodded.
"Cough, can't stop the gay, cough." Nico said. "DeathBoy don't." Will rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up, Solace." "Back at ya, di Angelo." Leo rolled his eyes.
"If the edgy gays are done, we'll start."

CHB: Truth, Dare and Sticky SituationsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ