The brunette couldn't see anything clearly. Everything around her was just noise and lights. But her head was whipping around in every direction to try find the source of the voice.
The brunette closed her eyes tightly and put her hands over her ears to try stop the spinning. But suddenly came flashes. A dark house. The dark mark hanging over Hogwarts. A bright green light. A baby's cry.
Suddenly the image became clear and she could feel the floor beneath her shoes and wind blowing through her hair. The view in front of her was familiar as the view form the astronomy tower. A door behind her opened and she turned around to see Draco Malfoy.
"Briar," he whispered, sounding relieved, and before the brunette could speak he had crossed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her
"What's going on?" She asked him, wrapping her arms around his torso
Draco pulled away from the hug and placed his hands on either side of her face "You need to get out of here"
"Why?" she asked
"I need you to be safe," he sighed and his eyes fell to the floor. When he looked back up at her, his grey eyes were full of tears "Please, Briar, I need to keep you safe, please"
"Draco, what's going on?!" She demanded
"He'll come for you," he said, his voice breaking "I need to keep you safe, Briar, please I-" He stopped talking and looked over her shoulder, his eyes widening in alarm. Briar whipped around and the scene behind them changed.
They were now stood at the front steps of Hogwarts, and the courtyard was a heartbreaking scene. Students and death eaters were sending curses at each other, dark creatures were fighting each other, fires blazed, and rubble fell from the walls.
"What is this?" Briar whispered in fear and turned back to Draco
"Please" He whispered and rested his forehead against hers "Briar," he looked at her and then unexpectedly leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. Briar was taken back but quickly wrapped her arms around him, kissing him back as hard as she could
But then she was suddenly torn away from him by a firm grip of arms "Draco!" she screamed as she was taken away. "Draco!" she continued to scream until there was suddenly a bright green light
The brunette jumped awake and was alarmed to see Sirius standing next to her bed, his eyebrows raised, and a teasing grin on his face
"What?" she groaned and flopped down onto her bed
"Why were you shouting Draco's name?" He teased and she glared at him
"Nightmare," she said and it wasn't truthfully a lie "Why did you wake me up?"
"Molly's going berserk downstairs," he said "She thinks you lot will miss the train so I suggest you get yourself and your trunk downstairs before she comes up here and murders you"
"Fine," Briar sighed and sat up. The moment she finally left her bedroom, she was consumed into the chaos of the house. Mrs Weasley and the portrait of Sirius's mother were both screaming at the top of their lungs, Crookshanks was chasing everyone around, Tonks was knocking over everything in sight, and the owls were squawking
There was an organised protocol for leaving the house, so that not everyone would leave together since that would look too suspicious
And for Briar, the obvious non-suspicious way to get to King's Cross was in a taxi with her dad since her school friends thought she was staying with him this summer. And Sirius in his dog form was joining them with the plan of Remus claiming that was his dog if anyone asked

In The Shadows² ★ Draco Malfoy
Fanfiction"Why do you enjoy annoying me so much?" Briar Lupin was sent away by her father to live as a muggle until she was 11, when her Hogwarts letter finally arrives and changes everything. Thrust into this world of Wizardry on her own, Briar meets the inf...