The Beginning

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      I swiftly ran through the forest making it to the town with news of a mysterious event that is about to happen. As I near one of the guards asked what the problem was I answered with “she's coming". Before I continue I'd like to introduce myself to you. Hi I'm chase you'll be seeing through my eyes throughout the story but enough about me continue on. She is a person who is going to change the whole world of humans into terrifying monsters known as Werewolves. No enough of the backtail let's get into the story.

      The gaurd ran off with my newsto get it to my fauther (the king) who he made a deal. She is a witch who will determine our fate and what the kingdom would become. Soon after that everyone gathered around the plaza waiting to see if it was full filled or if not we will be punished with Lord will know what will happen.

      When it came close to sunset the Witch came out with a dead wolf in her arms saying “I have turned your king into a wolf and killed him for he did not full fill for the punishment you will all be cursed. I will be turning your whole kingdome into wolves and every full moon you will lose control of yourself and automatically shift into a wolf blacking out! During times of no full moon you will have full control of being able to shift in and out of your wolf as you please. Goodbye" with a snap of her fingers she was gone.

      My fauther has been killed therefore I am now king or alpha of this pack I'm only 16. As it neared darker the full moon started to rise. We all started to slowly go berserk shifting into our wolves. As most of the wolves gathered around me ready for instructions. Soon after that all went blank.

     I woke up the next morning  wondering where I am. I look around seeing everyone laying around on the ground. I don't remember anything that happened. Well for now we won't know we will see. I stood up and started walking to my castle waiting to call a town meeting.

      Later that day everyone was now awake and I called a town meeting. I started off with “do any of you know what happened last night?" One of the town's people stood up and said “I saw all of you turn into wolves like the witch had said soon after I did too and all went blank afterwards" I looked around disappointed my fauther didn't full fill the deal.

      The deal was that I had to get married before the day before the full moon so you can say it was partly my fault. But as you can all tell that day was full of sorrow. Later the witch came back and everyone in the town looked at her with hostility. I approach her and I said “what is your business here?" She looked at me in silence and pointed to the castle and she spoke “follow me to full fill another deal." I followed her to my castle.

      We reached the meeting room and took a seat. “what is it that I need to full fill and what will I or we get out of this?" I asked she anewsered with “ I will give you a deal but first the thing you and your town will get out of it is I will lift the curse from your town. What you must do is find a mate to have as your own by the day of the third full moon if you fail your town will forever be wolves" she finished and is waiting for me to answer it. I answered it with a brief “deal". After I said that she left I then went and called a town meeting.

      “We have three mouths before the the third full moon I need to find a mate" I said loud enough for everyone to hear. Ahem sorry breaking fourth wall right here a part the witch did not put in was we will still have free will if the curse was lifted to shift in and out of our wolf with full control on the full moon sorry back to the story. “And of course I agreeded to these conditions by finding a mate before the third full moon" I looked around at all of the uneasy faces. "The witch also said she will not be back at all throughout the three months we have" I added. She never comes back before it needed to be full filled so she waits till the last day to come here. Everyone just looked around each other wondering what to do next without anything I dissmissed them and walked to my castle.

The Curse (Book 1 of  the Wolfves Amongst Humans Series)(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now