Finding A Mate Part 1.

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      It was three days since the Witch showed up with the curse she cursed us with. “At least she gave me time" I muttered to myself as I walked down the path into the town. “It has to be the perfect mate it can't be some random person" I continued to mutter to myself as I walked into the town. “King Chase" I heard my name being called, it was my childhood friend Tammy. “Tammy you guys know you don't need to use the title King when addressing me just Chase" I said with a little laugh.

      “Oh well Chase any luck or are you still looking for a mate" she asked me. “Well no it's only been three days since the Witch has cursed us, plus we have three mouths so no rush" I said as I gave her a hug for the first time in forever. “Your so young yet you became King before your dad could step down" she pointed out how young I was. I was in my late teens 19 I think I was during this time. “I guess I am a little young but at least I am old enough to be king" I pointed out. “True" she said agreeing with me. We hugged before we parted ways to perform our own duties.

      I kept walking around the town aimlessly whole looking at the shops. I ended up in the field where Tammy and I first met. I decided to lay down in the grass looking up into the partly cloudy sky identifying shapes suck as sheep and horses. I assumed I layed there for hours because I ended up falling asleep.

      I woke up with a jolt from a sudden crash sound. I looked to where it occurred to see Tammy on the ground looks like she fell from the tree. I then decided to walk over to her “you need help" I asked as she nodded in response. I reached out my hand and she took it as I helped her up I asked “what are you doing out here. “I was looking for you seen as you weren't in your place" she answered. “If you didn't come here and woken me up I would have been cyote meat" I jokingly pointed out.

      We sat down and talked for hours about the curse on how it helped us protect out livestock from predetors such as cyotes and other wolves. “I think we should head back to the Kingdom before it gets to dark" I had pointed out the setting sun. I took note to eat something when I get home because I had nothing to eat all day.

The Curse (Book 1 of  the Wolfves Amongst Humans Series)(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now